The Gentle Reminder You Need Right Now, Based On Your Name

1 — If the first letter of your name is A, I, J, Q, or Y

Sometimes, people pretend that you are a bad person, so they don’t feel guilty about the things they did to you. If your name falls under any of the above letters, this is your reminder to let go of the human beings in your life who have ever made you feel difficult when you’ve set boundaries with them. Remember — your boundaries are not wrong, and if someone insists that you are an unkind person for enforcing them, they were simply just the type of friend, or companion, who benefited more from you not having those boundaries in the first place. You are not selfish for learning how to protect your heart, or your  mind, or your soul. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.

2 — If the first letter of your name is B, K, or R

Remember to lead with love — let tenderness be your first response. If your name falls under any of the above letters, this is your reminder to keep grace at the forefront of whatever you’re navigating in life. No one comes out of this life unscathed, and the people who hurt us, or the people who let us down, are not wounding us with malicious intent. They’re just human beings who are making mistakes like the rest of us. However, this does not mean that you have to forgive these people or let them back into your life. Lead with grace, understand the deeper meaning behind their actions, wish them well, and move forward. When you approach your hurt, and your experiences along your journey, from a place of acceptance and tenderness, you don’t carry any of its weight into your future with you. In that way, you free yourself.

3 — If the first letter of your name is C, G, L, or S

Not everything will be easy, but not everything will be hard. If your name falls under any of the above letters, this is your reminder to go in the direction of the things that bring you back home to yourself. Make time for the things that feel like peace in your life. Make time for the people who see you clearly, for the human beings who hold your heart and genuinely speak love into it. Make time to put your vision into the cosmos, to create from a place deep within yourself, to move towards all of the things in this Universe that ignite beauty within you, and you will see just how much they save you. Life isn’t easy, but there are things that come easily within it, things that crack calm into the ache. Chase those things, and never stop choosing them — fight for them every single day.

4 — If the first letter of your name is D, M, or T

Give yourself permission to create without inhibition. If your name falls under any of the above letters, this is your reminder to put your unique vision into the world. There are going to be human beings who do not understand your art or the things you place your passion into, but if you believe in the work you are doing, and you channel it from a place of intention — that is all that matters. It is not up to you to only produce the kinds of things that are immediately consumed and celebrated by those around you. It is simply up to you to be an instrument of your inspiration. Don’t let fear stop you from expressing yourself. The world will catch up to your genius, but it will never have the chance to so if you silence yourself before it has the opportunity.

5 — If the first letter of your name is E, H, N, or X

It is okay to celebrate the life you created, while grieving the one you expected. If your name falls under any of the above letters, this is your reminder that you are allowed to embrace the fact that you fought for the life you are experiencing right now, while also feeling the weight of all of the lives you did not get to live due to trauma or grief. There are so many different versions of your existence that could have come to fruition, so many alternate Universes where you would have been happy if you just hadn’t had to weather things you did not deserve; and while where you are in the present moment is where you were meant to end up, it is okay if you mourn the things you once wished for before circumstance darkened your hope. It is okay.

6 — If the first letter of your name is U, V, or W

You deserve to be loved and chosen. If your name falls under any of the above letters, this is your reminder that you deserve certainty. You deserve to be someone’s favorite thing. You deserve effort, you deserve for the beauty you see within another human being to come to fruition, to be something substantial, to be something you can grow within. You deserve to feel like someone is excited to be with you, like someone is excited to commit to you, like someone is inspired to dive into something concrete and foundational with you. You deserve someone who is on the same page. Someone who wants the same things, someone who wants to meet all of your hope with action. You deserve someone who isn’t afraid of being responsible for your heart. You deserve someone who embraces it.

7 — If the first letter of your name is F, O, Z or P

It is better to be alone, than to exist in any space, or in any relationship, that makes you feel lonely. If your name falls under any of the above letters, this is your reminder that being alone does not mean that you are not good enough, or worthy of love. Alone is not a weakness, it is not something to be ashamed of. Alone is a gift. It is a foundation, a steady ground within yourself. Alone is knowledge, in yourself and in your hopes. Alone is a ruthless dedication to understanding your heart and fighting for what compels it after years of allowing for it to be loved in halves. Alone is not lonely. Alone is not broken. Alone is an anchoring, a healing — a reminder that the love you find within yourself will be yours forever, a reminder that you have the capacity to be your own home.






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