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July gives you a taste of what’s possible Gemini. A summer vacation could be the sign you’ve been looking for to relocate, or simply shake up the way you do things at home. A change of scenery is just what you need to shift your perspective, look at your day-to-day with a different lens, and discover the unexpected. There are new friends to be made, new hobbies to be found, new favorite restaurants to discover within walking distance of your front door.
Maybe that’s part of the problem. You don’t see your surroundings as worthy of a scenic stroll the way you would if you were just a passing visitor. Becoming a tourist in your hometown will help you connect to your community in a way that prepares you for the major life change around the corner.
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Leo, July inspires you in a way you had not thought possible up until now. You will connect with a new favorite piece of art, be it a beach read, a road trip audiobook, a visiting museum exposition, or a new vinyl album. Something creative registers with your past and present, while also opening your eyes to a potential future.
You relate to a protagonist, a particular chorus, a series of self-portraits, or any work that sparks your interest in a personal way. Having your experience feel seen and echoed by another makes you feel less alone, and empowers you to follow in this person’s footsteps, whether that be by making art of your own, or simply carving out your sense of identity. What comes next is the major life change you’ve been waiting for.
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Virgo, this July represents a loss of some kind. Something about this July is different from all others before it. It could be a recent loss, a friend who’s moved away, a loved one who passed, or something you don’t even realize you’re mourning. A small tradition like an ice cream cone from your favorite place that closed. A job you didn’t even like, but became so used to after years and years of the same routine.
Your major life change emerges from the shadows when you acknowledge and confront this grief. The thing that you are missing, however great or small, represents something bigger than itself. Maybe it’s comfort, stability, the innocence of childhood, hope, and belonging. Identifying your true needs is the first step in seeking them out. That’s when your life will transform.
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Sagittarius, this July you will take small steps towards reinventing the way you approach self-care. You are the thrill seeker, the one who plans dates, vacations, adventures, anything to shake up the mundane routine of the daily grind. But this month, you realize that routine could also use some TLC. While cheese is still one of the most important food groups, from manchego to burrata, you could stand to round out your meals with the other nutritional groups as well.
Your sleep habits are so erratic, they can’t quite be called a habit. The anxiety you feel to get out and do something, to be somewhere, to be having a drink with someone, could be relieved by a long walk, or a good workout. When you start to see that the fixes you lean on to boost your mood only supply temporary relief, it’s time for you to find the everyday things that will change the way you feel. That will shift your life in a major way.