The 1 Thing Each Zodiac Needs To Let Go Of In Their Relationship

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You need to let go of your anger.

You can be quick to anger and quick to act. While you’ll just as easily cool down–especially for the comfort of the people around you–that hot head isn’t as attractive as you might think.

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You need to let go of your comfort zone.

Once you find your niche, you stick to it. Unfortunately, that can bore your partner pretty easily. Remember to keep your relationship fresh and fun, even if only sometimes

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You need to let go of your single days.

You get bored easily and are quick to start yearning for the days when you were single. That’s not the move if you actually want to stay in a relationship, though. If you’re set on staying together, appreciate who you have.

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You need to let go of your past relationships.

Heartbreak sticks with you. If you’re honest with yourself, you still rage about your ex from five years ago as if it happened yesterday. You can never fully commit to someone new when you’re heart is so stuck in the past.

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You need to let go of how others see you.

While you’re generally confident, a lot of that self-esteem is based on the praise of others. In a healthy relationship, you won’t rely so much on friends and strangers to lift you up.

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You need to let go of control.

You have so many plans, but when you invite someone into your life, things can get messy. It’s easy to control things when you’re alone, but it’s not feasible in a relationship. Loosen the reins a little, Virgo.

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You need to let go of your friends’ approval.

You love to run every little thing by your friends. You want their opinion on the texts you write or the destination for a third date. While caring about your friends is important, they shouldn’t be making all your decisions for you.

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You need to let go of your fear of vulnerability.

While you can be in a relationship without ever opening up, that’s incredibly difficult to maintain. There’s something freeing about being vulnerable with your partner, and it will create an even stronger bond.

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You need to let go of your flirty ways.

You’re always the one working the room, making everyone think you’re into them. Imagine how much more special your partner will feel if they’re the only one you’re flirting with from now on.

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You need to let go of your time.

You have so much of your life scheduled with work, hobbies, friends–it can be hard to make room for someone new. But your partner will feel extra special when you let them in.

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You need to let go of your need for privacy.

It’s hard to feel like you’re in a relationship when your partner doesn’t treat you like one. Remember that there’s nothing wrong with devoting some of your life to this person. There’s a wide gulf between singlehood and codependence.

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You need to let go of your opinions.

You love helping the people you care about, and sometimes you think you know better what they need than they do. Give your partner the benefit of the doubt that they have proper control over their life.

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