The 1 Sign You Should Stay Away From, Based On Your Zodiac Sign


Pisces. You’re too practical and a bit detached for the overly sensitive and emotional Pisces. It’s going to take a lot of work and effort to make this relationship work, and you’re a bit impatient and also too busy to be in a relationship that demands more from you.


Gemini. Geminis are too loud and all over the place for you. You crave consistency, stability and routine and Geminis will always be ‘too much’ for you to handle.


Virgo. Just like Taurus, Virgos are also practical and loves their routine and their alone time, they’re also reserved with their thoughts and feelings and you’re always speaking your mind and expressing your feelings, which is why Virgos will always seem too ‘quiet’ and somewhat boring to you.


Capricorn.  Capricorns are a bit detached and it takes them a while to get attached or trust someone, while you on the other hand, are the most caring, giving and loving sign of the zodiac and you need your intense and strong emotions to be reciprocated one way or another.


Libra. You’re too boisterous and demanding for the balanced and diplomatic Libra. You’ll always have your way and there will be no challenges but you thrive on challenge. You need a more passionate/fiery sign like you.


Sagittarius. Simply put; you like to stay in one place, Sagittarius loves to roam the world. You two will barely have time to see each other because you’re probably working and Sagittarius is probably planning their next trip.


Cancer. You love everything in perfect doses and you like everything in moderation, which is why the intensity of Cancer can make you feel uncomfortable. You will always feel like you’re not doing enough and it will make you feel guilty all the time.


Leo. As much as you two have a lot in common, you butt heads more than agree on things. You’re both confident, charming and charismatic and love the attention, which can get competitive in an unhealthy way because one of you will always be trying to outshine the other.


Taurus. A Taurus will not really support or like your nomadic lifestyle. They’re perfectionists and like to plan for the future and you like to live day-by-day. You will get tired of how a Taurus will tell you how to live your life because you already love it and you don’t want to change it.


Aries. Outside of work, there won’t be much to agree on. There will always be lack of communication between you two because Capricorns are private and Aries are impatient. You both like things to be done your way which is why it will take forever until you two finally open up to each other.


Scorpio. Your rebellious nature and unfiltered personality may rub Scorpio the wrong way. Scorpios don’t forgive easily and they care about how they look in public, while you are more of a free-spirit and you embrace your weirdness, you don’t care about making a fool out of yourself in public and Scorpio is all about ‘reputation.’


Aquarius. You’ll not be able to keep up with an Aquarius ever-changing thoughts and emotions, you’re quite emotional yourself and you like someone who pays close attention to how you’re feeling and talks to you about it. Aquarius can sometimes get lost in their own head and may not be able to read you because they’re still trying to read themselves.





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