Tarotscope For Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Your Card: Judgment, reversed

Even though you act confident, you’re dealing with crippling self-doubt. You need to figure out why you’re feeling this way. It could be because you’re afraid of not living up to your high standards or because of a recent test of your sense of self-worth. It is possible to beat them. Don’t let mistakes you’ve made or ideas that hold you back stop you from moving forward. Today, do something to put yourself out there. Go after the thing you want most with all your might. You, Aries, are the only one who can do it. Living with guilt can’t be the worst thing that could happen.

Your Card: Two of Cups, reversed

Which one of your relationships is having trouble right now? When the Two of Cups shows up backward, it means you need to fix any problems with communication or harmony. It might just be a case of misunderstanding. Right now is the time for one of you to be very clear about what you want and need as a partner. People who have been hurt should be honest about it. Say sorry in any way you need to. If you feel like you’ve been wronged, put down your pride, reach out, and offer a peace branch. You’ll do it if this link is important to you. Call today and make things right.

Your Card: Queen of Pentacles, reversed

If you see the Queen of Pentacles backward, it means you need to take care of yourself. Put all of your energy into taking care of yourself and centering yourself, whether you do it today or throughout the weekend. Give yourself a whole day to just be. What makes you happy and calms you down? For some people, that might mean going for a walk, reading, hanging out with friends, or watching a good show. Also, make time to think about your objectives, goals, wants, and needs. Do you need to be adjusted or given extra care in these places?

Your Card: Four of Cups, reversed

When you’re down, hearing this over and over again is one of the worst things that can happen. But at some point, you have to choose happiness. As long as you wake up every day feeling sad and guilty, you can do that, or you can use each day to make your life the life you deserve. Is it going to be Cancer? Right now, even though it hurts, make today the day you start thinking more positively. The smile on your face may have to be fake at first, but it will be real in the end. Seek understanding by going out into the world. Find a different point of view. If you try, you won’t always feel this way.

Your Card: Six of Pentacles, reversed

The Six of Pentacles backward is a sign of a relationship that only goes one way. This card shows how important it is to give without expecting anything in return, be fair, and not care about yourself. Someone in your life might be being too kind, but they might hold it against you later. Feel like someone is ignoring you in any of your relationships? Are you always there for someone but they never show up when you need them? Are you a bad friend? Take some time to think about how your relationships work. You’re holding on to one that doesn’t have enough give and take. Should you keep this one? What should be different?

Your Card: Eight of Pentacles, reversed

Today, Virgo, you don’t feel like the committed and driven person you usually are. Likely, you haven’t been involved in a while. When you’ve lost sight of your goals and what’s important in life, this card shows up. If you’ve been ignoring work or relationships, the Eight of Pentacles in reverse is telling you not to put in a half-hearted effort. Take some time to think about what you can do to get back on track with growth and connection. What can you change about your habits and ways of doing things to make them more in line with what’s most important to you? It’s okay to be a little hard on yourself because you have been absent lately. We are just now beginning the year.

Your Card: The Lovers, reversed

A romantic partner, neighbor, or friend may be the one you don’t feel like you’re on the same page with today. Not being able to connect or talk to each other properly is making it hard for you both to agree on something. This card wants you to think about what’s making things bad between you and this person. Accept responsibility for any part you may play in it. Don’t let this stress build up into something much bigger later; deal with it right away.

Your Card: Nine of Wands

You’ve been handling a lot by yourself for a long time. These days, it seems like things will always be this heavy. It’s been hard for you to stay strong. You’ve been losing faith in your ability to bounce back. The Nine of Wands tells you that things will get better soon. This card tells you that you will keep going even though all the problems have been getting to you. It makes you want to keep going. Mars, don’t give up. If it’s getting harder and harder to hold on, talk to the people you trust the most. Let them see how weak you are and ask them for help. Even just letting it all out could help you get back on track. Don’t keep it all to yourself.

Your Card: Queen of Swords, reversed

That person has always been independent and does what they want when they want to. That being said, why have you been holding back lately to help other people? When you see the Queen of Swords backward, she is telling you to make choices based on your happiness and pleasure. If someone cares about you, they will understand why you’re trying to keep them happy. Don’t give up things you want or that are important to you because you don’t want to upset or lose someone. If someone loves you, they will never stop you from living the life you want. Remember this as you go after your goals this year.

Your Card: The Hierophant, reversed.

It’s time to break your own rules and color outside the lines. I know you don’t want to hear this. You might not be willing to leave your comfort zone, which could be why things aren’t going well for you or your life seems to be stuck. The things you think are tried-and-true might not be so tried-and-true after all. Try something new by seeing things from a different point of view. Capricorn, go outside and see things from a different point of view. Change how things are done. You might want to work on being less rigid with other people while you’re trying to break your stiffness. You understand that you’re not always right. Even if you feel like a victim, there are times when you’re the wrong one.

Your Card: Three of Swords

These days, Aquarius, you can’t get away from the ghosts of past heartache. Today might be full of painful memories that make you feel sad, angry, regretful, and in pain again. It could mean that you haven’t fully dealt with some mental wounds. Allow yourself to feel what you’re feeling today. Tell the truth about any losses you need to grieve. Think about any repair you need to do. Having this many strong feelings is the Universe’s way of telling you that you need to care for and fix some parts of your heart.

Your Card: Six of Wands

The Six of Wands wants you to give yourself a pat on the back today and be proud of everything you’ve done, no matter how big or small. This weekend, Pisces, spend a lot of money on something nice for yourself or go out with your friends. It took a lot of work on your part to make things happen. Understand that. Take care of yourself. Don’t play it down or show less commitment. No matter what it was, it’s a win that should be celebrated.





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