Tarotscope For Friday, March 14, 2025

Your Card: Justice

Not everyone needs to know exactly what you accomplish daily, so keep your success to yourself. Do you want to show people that you’re superior to them in some way, or are you just discussing the positive things that are happening in your life because you’re genuinely excited? Make sure your reasons for doing things are sound; otherwise, some of your activities can backfire. Being thrilled about your life is acceptable, but be sure you are doing it for your benefit rather than because you feel like you need to prove anything to other people.

Your Card: Knight of Swords

To be honest, Taurus, today might just be complete turmoil. Furthermore, there isn’t much you can do to make the shit show go more slowly. Finding a way to laugh at the turmoil and accepting it for what it is is your only option today. As with earlier stages of your life, it will eventually come to an end. For the time being, accept the madness and endure it.

Your Card: Three of Cups

Gemini, be cautious of phony pals who might not be looking out for your best interests. You seem to know who I’m referring to, or perhaps a certain person sprang into your head when you were reading that. Your intuition may be alerting you with that first glimpse of someone’s name or face. So have faith in it. For whatever reason, you are being cautioned even though it may not make sense at this moment. You can simply keep some folks at a distance rather than permanently cutting them off. Being safe is preferable to being sorry.

Your Card: King of Cups

Try to stay conscious of any emotional triggers you may be experiencing today, Cancer, and their possible causes. Gently tend to any inside wounds that could require more care. Attempting to address this trigger may cause you to act in a somewhat passive-aggressive manner toward other people. Just watch out that you don’t upset the wrong individuals.

Your Card: Queen of Swords

Why is what people think of you so important to you? Do you worry that their claims may have some merit? Or is it that rumors and gossip have gotten so out of control that people have created an inaccurate impression of you? Whatever it is, “getting even” will just exacerbate the situation and reinforce their unfavorable opinion of you. Don’t become nasty, don’t act vindictively, and don’t feel the urge to confront someone. Simply keep your composure and turn your cheek. Your time is not worth it. Simply letting the trash come out on its own will make things a lot easier for you.

Your Card: Seven of Pentacles

Virgo, get off your ass. Get your thing done and quit being lazy. I’m sorry, but it had to be said because sometimes we just need a kick in the ass to get going. Go ahead and make changes in your life if that is what you desire.

Your Card: Three of Swords

Libra, it could be best to avoid the issue at hand for the time being. There will only be additional heartache and emotional suffering if you try to make everything better and repair everything today. Many of us are unaware of when our emotions have overtaken our logical thinking, so even though we may believe we are acting appropriately at the time, we are just acting impulsively and letting our feelings rule our actions. Breathe. Leave the issue alone. Permit yourself to experience this agony until it has subsided enough for you to restore control and see things more clearly.

Your Card: Nine of Cups

Give yourself a small treat, Scorpio. Treat yourself to something that makes you happy. Go out to supper with yourself. Take a stroll and relish your alone. You’re being urged to take a little more charge of your life and discover your pleasure without relying on others to do it for you.

Your Card: Four of Cups

Watch out for phony excuses, Sagittarius. Someone may be telling you what they believe you want to hear. Furthermore, even though it sounds good, it’s not coming from the finest source. Simply something to remember. You don’t have to confront someone, but you also don’t have to immediately accept their apologies.

Your Card: The Moon

Pay close attention to what your intuition is telling you. You may be feeling anxious about something over which you have little control. Maybe you would prefer not to hear the secrets that were exposed. Or clues from phony acquaintances that cause you to reevaluate your assumptions. Listening to what your intuition is telling you is the only way to discover the truth. Find a method to cut through the clutter so you can hear what your intuition is trying to tell you. Your intuition knows the truth. The solution is already within you, regardless of what other people may think.

Your Card: Two of Swords

Aquarius, take care of your own business today. It would be best if you stayed out of other people’s problems and drama. Before you are needlessly drawn into it all, keep to yourself and stay out of the nonsense. Sometimes maintaining our tranquility requires a concentrated effort.

Your Card: The Hanged Man

Pisces, are you paying attention to what other people desire or to what you want? At the end of the day, it’s your life, even though it’s acceptable to take into account other people’s opinions or wishes for you. Don’t feel pressured to make decisions that will satisfy everyone. Follow your happiness and what is best for you. The Hanged Man asks why other people’s opinions are so important. How come you don’t live for yourself?





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