Pisces, Scorpio, and Cancer are all coming to inflection points where they must be tuned in to their intuition so they don’t miss any relevant signs. Our tarot reader has done a reading containing the following cards to help clarify the situation and guide how to be intuitively best prepared.
The cards selected will describe the following:
- The Door: What limits your intuition?
- The Well: Where does your intuition come from / where does it manifest?
- The Whisper: What message does your intuition need you to hear now?
- The Mirror: How can you distinguish between your intuition, hopes, and fears?
- The Spring: How can you strengthen your intuitive abilities?
- The Gift: What will happen when you trust your intuition?
What limits your intuition? 10 of Pentacles, Reversed. Focusing on spiritual growth and deepening your connection with your intuition is hard when the material world can barge in and overtake your thoughts, interrupting the work. You must prioritize nurturing your intuition. It might mean doing something pragmatic and putting time on your calendar to meditate.
Where does your intuition come from / where does it manifest? Judgement. Your intuition manifests itself through your connection to your higher, most authentic self. Aligning your actions with your higher self increases your focus on the things that matter and creates harmony from chaos. This makes it easier for you to hear the inner call of intuition.
What message does your intuition need you to hear right now? Page of Swords. As you start to focus within and align your thoughts and actions to your higher self, you’ll find yourself driven by the truth of things. Your intuition leads you to the fact that you must seek, and ultimately speak, the truths you discover.
How can you distinguish between your intuition and your hopes and fears? Queen of Swords. Remain grounded and balanced, and you will get the intellectual clarity needed to recognize the messages from your intuitive self.
How can you strengthen your intuitive abilities? The Hanged Man. The best way to deepen the well of your intuition and improve your relationship with it is to seek different perspectives. Release your prior notions of what must be, and it will open your mind to what can be.
What will happen when you trust your intuition? Knight of Pentacles. Your hard work and drive will ultimately help you achieve a deeper connection with your intuition and guide you toward more stability. The work that you will do will eventually grow into something long-lasting and fulfilling.
What limits my intuition? 8 of Cups. It’s hard to let go when you feel particularly invested in something. Once you have entwined your thoughts, and life, around something, it’s painful to contemplate life without it. Sometimes we continue to carry a cure that once worked far past its point of usefulness. It’s ok to grieve and honor what you’ve lost, but to grow means moving on.
Where does my intuition come from / where does it manifest? The Lovers. Your intuition is fueled by your ability emotionally to connect with people. You can understand their experience based on the rich inner emotional landscape you’ve cultivated, and your experience in sharing their story ultimately enriches your intuition and deepens your connection to it.
What message does my intuition need me to hear right now? 3 of Pentacles, Reversed. While doing work on your own is important, sometimes we must work with others. Your intuition is largely driven by your ability to connect with the experiences of others, teamwork, collaboration, and the relationships that enable it, which are vital parts of your spiritual experience. Work on building deeper relationships with others.
How can I distinguish between my intuition and my fears? 2 of Pentacles, Reversed. The physical realm doesn’t hold the answers you seek, but anchoring your intuitive messages into the material world is essential. Find a balance between the time you spend cultivating and observing your physical and spiritual realms.
How can I strengthen my intuitive abilities? The Sun. Have the self-confidence to embrace optimism. Your attention and focus shine a light on the world around you.
What will happen when I trust my intuition? Knight of Swords. There’s a big opportunity that is headed your way. You need to recognize it among all the other moments in life, which will take being in touch with your intuition.
What limits my intuition? Temperance, Reversed. I need to get some balance and recognize what elements work with each other. There’s a lot of discord. When our actions don’t always match our spiritual intentions, this creates discord that makes situations harder to interpret intuitively.
Where does my intuition come from / where does it manifest? 2 of Wands. Your vivid imagination allows you to tap into a sense of the many possibilities a situation has to offer. Your emotional depth gives you an insight into the perspective of those around you.
What message does my intuition need me to hear right now? Knight of Swords. There’s a big moment coming, one where you can have the large impact you’ve been hoping for. For you to be able to make the most of it, you’re going to need to be prepared.
How can I distinguish between my intuition and my fears? 2 of Cups. If you seek guidance from your intuition when you’re not in a state of balance – both inner and out-,e, you’re more likely to encounter problems. Make some time and literal space for you to engage. Clear your schedule, and create a physical space free of distractions to meditate and truly focus on the answers you can find within.
How can I strengthen my intuitive abilities? 10 of Pentacles, Reversed. Be open that while our intuition guides us from within, it can also challenge us to recognize the material and spiritual synchronization. Be practical in grounding your intuition’s guidance. Engaging with your intuition and deepening your relationships require you to cultivate a strong foundation from which from which to operate, so make the time and space for it.
What will happen when I trust my intuition? 8 of Wands. Once you can bring your experiences into balance, everything will start to move. Once you’re aligned with purpose and have clarity of vision, it all will move together.