Why you are still SINGLE based on your star sign

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Aries: March 21st – April 19th

You realize that you do not need a man to make you feel whole. So, whenever a hot guy comes by, you’re looking for red flags. And the second he says something rude or humiliating, you kick him on the curb.

You can not stand the shit of anyone. Your standards are sky-high, which is a good thing. You will not settle for half-assed relationships just so you can say you have a boyfriend. You wait for the real deal.

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Taurus: April 20 – May 20

You’re still attached to someone you should not give a damn about. Maybe it’s an ex. Maybe it’s a platonic friend. Maybe it’s a celebrity you’ve never met.

No matter what the case may be, your unrequited love for another man keeps you from experiencing happiness with other men – and trust me, many men are interested in you. That’s why you have to let go of your past and make room for the future. Otherwise, your single status will not change that soon.

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Gemini: May 21st – June 20th

You still are not sure what you want from a relationship. It’s hard to find the right one for you because you’re looking for a bad guy in one day who just wants pointless sex and the other day for a really nice guy who would be good as a husband.

Before you jump into a relationship, you should take some “me” time to find out what you really want from your life. Otherwise, you will jump from guy to guy, they will leave data and already the next day.

“Click Here to Find Gemini Man Secrets You Need To Know”

Cancer: June 21st – July 22nd

You want someone to settle down with, someone as serious with you as you are with him. Unfortunately, finding someone to share your strong love is difficult these days. You’re still single because you do not know exactly where to look.

You know that Tinder will not work because everyone in the app is just looking for a “one-night stand”. So, what should you do? Your only option is to go out more. You never know where to find “Mr. Rright “will meet.

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Lion: July 23 – August 22

You yourself are unapologetic. You do not pretend to be someone you are not or hide parts of yourself to impress a date. That’s why you have a habit of chasing away boys because they’re used to girls who change to adapt. Thus, they are intimidated by you.

They think you are too strong. Of course, these are not the men you want to be with anyway. You have to wait for someone who will be able to handle your controversial jokes, strong opinions and general sexiness.

“Click Here to Find Leo Man Secrets You Need To Know”

Virgo: 23rd of August – 22nd of September

You are a loving, compassionate person. You would give a shirt to a stranger if you ask. But that’s your problem. Modern relationships are murderous and men think that they can benefit from you because you are nice.

That is why you are mostly only exploited by the men. If you want a real relationship then you have to start fighting for yourself. Do not sacrifice your friendliness, but set a new standard. Do not let others fool you and use them as a toy.

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Libra: September 23rd – October 22nd

You are charming when others meet you, but until then you are a bit too shy. If you like a guy, you flirt with him and seek eye contact, but you never go further than that. That’s why the men you’re interested in never have a clue that you like them.

In these situations, you can not make your feelings clear enough. So if you want to make a relationship, then you have to strengthen flirting. You are a sweet speaker, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

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Scorpio: October 23rd – November 21st

You’re still single because you’re still trying to figure out if you really want a friend. I mean, single life is not that bad. It’s better to hug a cat while watching Netflix than worrying about your friend flirting with someone else, right?

See how unhappy some of your friends are in relationships. See how high the divorce rate is. Is a relationship something you really want to get into? You are not so sure. Maybe the single life is better for you.

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Sagittarius: 22nd November – 21st December

You hate it when you have to wait too long for your crush to answer you and you hate it when you do not dare ask for a date. But unfortunately, it takes time and effort to make an appointment. You can not expect to turn a friend into a friend overnight.

You have to be patient, because if you sleep too early with him or say on the first date, “I love you,” then you will scare him away. You have to breathe and relax. Take things step by step.

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Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

You do not like expressing your feelings. In fact, you wish you had no feelings at all. Whenever you fall in love with a guy, you hear only what the logical part of the head has to say instead of listening to the passion in the heart.

Unfortunately, this way of thinking causes you to miss amazing opportunities. Love is not logical. You have to be willing to take a risk if you want to end up in a lasting relationship. If you continue to listen only to your head, you will stay alone forever.

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Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

Either you try too hard or you do not try it nearly enough. There is nothing in between. Either you compose complicated love songs for your crush or you refuse to go out with it because you are too lazy to put on make-up and go to it.

To get a relationship going, you have to find the balance. You do not want to scare him too fast, but you do not want to push him away by refusing to try to make the relationship.

“Click Here to Find Aquarius Man Secrets You Need To Know”

Fish: February 19th – March 20th

Once you fall in love with someone, you can not imagine your life without him. That’s why you always give boys a second chance, even if you should not. Your willingness to forgive them anything and everything makes it easy to lie to you and take advantage of you.

If you want something right, then you must stop giving your assholes your time. Do not settle for one-sided relationships in which you constantly give a lot and never get anything back. You deserve more.

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