Which Is The Smartest Sign, According To Astrologers

Intelligence is not always measured by IQ.

Whether you are an authoritarian Aries or a caring Cancer, each sign has attractive qualities and traits. The zodiac sign can reveal to us from compatibility in love to health, but when it comes to intelligence, which zodiac sign is the smartest and smartest?

Aquarius and Scorpio are the most intelligent zodiac signs, say astrologers, but for two very different reasons. Those born under the sign of Aquarius have the highest degree of analytical intelligence, measured by cognitive abilities and IQ.

Scorpios, on the other hand, have more perceptual intelligence, which is useful in realistic assessment and understanding of the world as a whole.

This does not mean that the other signs are not intelligent in their own way. For example, Gemini and Libra show mental intelligence. Cancer and Pisces are the most emotionally intelligent, in other words, they excel in recognizing and reasoning their own feelings or those of others.

On the other hand, Earth signs such as Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn have practical intelligence.

The signs of fire, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius tend to be the most intuitive, making them more inclined to take risks and gain leadership positions.





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