Let’s find out together the ranking of the zodiac signs that never reveal betrayal: isn’t your partner also among them?

We know well: that betrayal is a topic very hot, hard to deal with, and of which many prefer to pretend there is not much to say.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, talking about betrayal is essential, especially in long-term relationships!

With this, of course, we do not mean that you have to look with suspicion at your partner, sprawled next to you on the couch and reading a different article (or perhaps swipe to the right of Tinder ?!).
If betrayal is a possibility, it is better to know which signs of the zodiac would also deny the evidence. Fortunately, the horoscope can help us recognize them!

The zodiac signs that never reveal betrayal: is your partner in today’s horoscope ranking?

We, of course, hope that your partner is not in this ranking and that you do not appear in the first five positions today.
Who are we talking about? Ah, but “simply” the famous zodiac signs for not revealing a betrayal, no matter what kind of betrayal it is!

We have already said that betrayal is a very difficult subject to deal with. There is the physical and the mental one, the one between friends and the one between boyfriends, what you need to pass a bad time or the one that makes you understand that your life has changed.
Of all these situations, varied and decidedly difficult, there is only one common denominator that can truly create discomfort.

What of people who do not reveal or admit never a betrayal to others, and try to make fun of people who are around?
Today, we have asked the stars and the planets to give us a  straight and rank the top five famous Zodiac signs for not revealing ever the betrayal.

It’s not that you or your partner are in the rankings, are you?


Leo: fifth place

The presence of the Lion, in this ranking, could surprise. Am I or am I not one of the most honest, faithful, and loyal signs of the zodiac? The last two adjectives, of course, fully describe them but honestly, we would have something to say.

Precisely because Leo is not a sign that often betrays, it is surprising that it is in this ranking. Still, the lion is one of those people who does not reveal never a betrayal, if it happens!
His desire to be transparent vanishes when he is wrong: he prefers to live in lies but continues to be ” faithful ” than admitting that he has had a faint.
We certainly cannot judge: each situation is unique! What we can tell you, however, is to keep the eyes wide open when talking to a Leo!


Libra: fourth place

Like? The Libra who betrays someone? As strange as it may seem to you, even this sign happens to make selfish choices, which perhaps he keeps strictly to himself. Those born under the sign of Libra are among the signs capable of coldly betraying others only that others … will never know!

Jealous of their feelings and actions, capable of diverting even the most honest and clear speech there is, those born under the sign of Libra have no problem hiding betrayal.
Nobody has to put their mouths into their motives or what they do when they are alone: Libra is an extremely jealous sign of their intimacy!


Capricorn: third place

Even those born under the sign of Capricorn are people who never reveal their betrayals. Who should care (according to Capricorn ) if not themselves?
Often, those born under the sign of Capricorn behave as if they were alone in the world.

They don’t care that other people in their life can or want to make informed decisions, understand that everyone’s sensitivity is different, or put themselves in a difficult position. No, those born under the sign of Capricorn will always be silent when it comes to betrayal: they will only confess after a tight interrogation and irrefutable evidence!

Taurus: second place

If those born under the sign of Taurus are so high in the ranking of signs that never reveal betrayal, there is a reason.
The Toro is one of those signs that betray usually with rare and often feels the weight of the other relationships.

If, on the one hand, they are loyal people who try to think about themselves and others, on the other, those born under the sign of Taurus often end up ” stumbling ” and deciding not to reveal their mistakes.
It is not so much about people who betray the people’s trust for sports, but about people who only until, you get to blow up.

Such is already brain to have an excuse for all their behavior, people born under the sign of Taurus you strive so much when they commit treason and end up not reveal ever.
From them you will never know what happened: they wipe it off their heads, bury it under layers and layers of excuses and, above all, act as if it never happened!


Gemini: First place in the ranking of signs that never reveal a betrayal

It is not so much about being led to betrayal or not, since Gemini is part of that category of people who do not consider betrayal what others see as a real stab in the back.
Before having a relationship with Gemini, it is better to face a series of topics with them or to be very clear about what their priorities are.

The twins are the true spirits free and can not be as “chained” by the social conventions of a relationship that provides … the respect of others!
This is not evil as a real attitude extreme when it comes to defending your interests.
The Twins will not say never if you have betrayed, no matter what the treason if they have had an affair or a relationship physical, if they have spoken ill of you or if they have revealed your secret!

Be careful when you relate to Gemini: they are people who would deny even the evidence, dragging on painful situations and complicated relationships even for years.
Before they tell the truth it takes some and it doesn’t always happen: they are the signs that would least reveal a betrayal of the whole zodiac!





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