The Reason Why You Are A Manipulator According To Your Sign

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Do you think you are manipulative? You are, take it for granted, although depending on your zodiac sign you can be more or you can be less. Among the reasons for being so, there is a wide range: because of your fears, because of your character, because of your insecurities, because of your sensitivity, because of your emotional needs … If you want to know the reason why you are manipulative according to your sign, read on. Maybe you get a surprise, pleasant, or one that you did not expect.

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Aries, you are manipulative when they touch your nose, when they treat you badly, when they insult you or even when they hurt you. And you will get upset depending on your degree of susceptibility that day because there are days that you spend more and others that you have very thin skin. But whoever goes for you pays for it. You take revenge, it’s his thing, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. And a good way to get revenge is by turning the situation around. And for that, you spend an agile, powerful, and accurate mental force. So you manipulate the situation, the words, or the person or group of people who have dared with you to your liking. Sometimes you approach it as something as basic as either being with you or being against you. And your arguments to turn the situation around and manipulate what happened will be those.

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Taurus, your big reason for being a manipulator is your ambition. But be careful, your ambition is to want a normal life, a job that gives you to live well and comfortably, your close family, and an authentic relationship based on honesty and fidelity. And that’s why you fight every day, to get it and keep it. And if you don’t get away with it, you don’t get along. When you want something, you want it, and there is no more discussion. In your defense, you argue that you meditate so much about what you want, that when you make the decision it is not on a whim. And you do not accept a NO, that is why you have worked the matter. What happens when someone says NO to you? Well, from stubbornness to impose yourself you go to manipulation to get the YES. And there comes the most mellow and sensual Taurus, soft and calm, strong and confident, who gets what he wants with his kindest face. So, In addition to having powerful reasons to be manipulative, you know how to do it by bringing out your friendlier side. And with him you convince. Of course, Taurus, better skill than strength.

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Gemini, you are the master of manipulation when it comes to getting what you want. And what do you want? Well, everything. And what reason is it that makes you manipulative? Your desire to live your way, is there a better reason than that? Well, there would be another very important to you: your truth, that others believe in your truth. And your weapons to manipulate start in your head and end where they are needed in order to convince others. Your mind works fast and agile when it wants to achieve something, and manipulation is usually the best way, the one that gives you the most success because, by your side, people and situations have the most to lose. Cunning and a golden pickaxe help you get what you want. Could you also manipulate the truth? The truths of others of course. Your power to convince is amazing, and if that is manipulation,

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Cancer, you want life to go well for you, for your family to be well and for your partner to love you madly. And to achieve that you are able to manipulate whatever, whenever, wherever, whatever…. Weapons are not lacking, the first initiative. The second, tenacity. And the third a hard temper so that you don’t throw back almost anything. Your clamps go-ahead to grab what you want, and as you hook it, it does not slip away, be it a person, a relationship, or a situation. And when someone is clear about what they want, everything works to achieve it (within limits, of course). That is your case. Cancer, your pulse does not tremble, and manipulation is your art, emotional manipulation in particular. Others use words, a good physique, money, power … everyone uses everything they have at hand to get what they want. You manipulate

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Leo, the reason why you are manipulative is not just one, it can be many but they all have a common origin: your ego is large and needs food. On the positive side, this ego translates into self-esteem that many envies. But on its negative side, that ego inclines you to a certain tendency to feel superior, since everyone else MUST satisfy your desires. Arguments are not lacking, because you can be self-centered but you are not selfish, but rather generous. So you need to get hit, and to get it you use your power to manipulate, of course, you do. Your enormous talents as an actor or actress assure you a perfect way of manipulating, masked with the way you want to give it: being a victim, complaining about lack of attention, alluding to everything you give … Deep down, what you want is you, people, nearby,

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Virgo, for you, getting things done right, and done on time, and done your way, is a challenge, a vital necessity rather. You need it. And that is why you are always worried, turning your head to make everything perfect because you need that precision to feel moderately calm. And if someone considers you utopian, well, well, think what you want. You are like that. And if to get what you want, you have to become a manipulator you do. How? With your criticism. That is why you do not like the criticisms that are made to you, but you do justify those that you have with everyone because they are to improve relationships, situations, conversations, and plans. Isn’t that a good reason? Everything has to add up. That everything is perfect seems to you that it justifies your touch of magic quite well, no? And although many keep quiet about it, deep down they appreciate what you do.

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Libra, as in your life there has to be balanced, we will have to look for it, right? And for you looking for it to find it justifies having to manipulate some conversations or some situations. If you don’t, you notice the nerves, the restlessness, and the restlessness, and you don’t want to feel that way. And those are the great reasons that lead you to be manipulative: to achieve the balance that makes your life more beautiful, and to achieve the balance that gives you tranquility and happiness. Enough for you and whoever does not like to hold on. Nor are you one of those who manipulate twisted, no, yours is something fine, elegant, like you. So if you tell what your life is like or what you are like and sell a bit of fantasy and half-truths, deep down what you want is to hide your insecurities and prevent them from thinking that you are alone, that you are afraid of being abandoned or that you lack plans. Is telling lies manipulating? Because if it is so, you raise your hand without any shame. And whoever has not done it more than once may throw the first stone.

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Scorpio, few manipulators beat you. But in this medal that you are awarded there is a negative and a positive part. The negative is that being manipulative is part of your dark side, the one that you take out whenever you are threatened in some way in everything that is important to you: your private life, your people, yours, your sensitivity, your insecurities, feeling that you lose control, betrayal, your obsessions … The positive part is that not everyone wants to manipulate, but whoever can, and yours is such mastery that you have to take off your hat. A good manipulation requires being cold and calculating, come on if someone has a doubt that you can be, it is because they have no idea of ​​astrology. On the other hand, your intuition and psychic abilities inform you of the weak points of people and of course, information is power. So yeah you have reasons to be manipulative and you also know how to do it. Any problem?

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Sagittarius, for you your freedom is so important that by maintaining it you are capable of doing anything, that is, you can be manipulative with any person or situation that threatens your freedom. You would have more reasons but your freedom seems to you to be the most fundamental, essential, and important thing in your life. If you feel like a prisoner, you die, so reasons other than your freedom would be secondary because when you feel like dying you don’t need anything else. You just need your freedom. You are not bad at cheating and even pull the strings so subtly that no one knows. But knowing your intelligence, it is most likely that the conversations will help you to clarify who you are and what you are. And you can get with them to make the person in front of you doubt what they want and who they are. To argue in a forceful way, turning the matter around is manipulating? Well yes, Sagittarius you are guilty, very guilty. And you delighted.

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Capricorn, with you it is clear that manipulating is perfectly justified if there is a good reason. And what could that reason be? Be in control. You consider it necessary, important, vital, to achieve something that is also your essence: achieve your goals. With these premises you go through life, you start things, you want control of the idea, and of the steps to take and, then, of the results that are being achieved at all times. Not meeting the set times or the laziness of some people are direct enemies that get on your nerves because they threaten everything you want to achieve. And if you have to manipulate those people to get what you want, you will, surely you will. How and when you will see it, depending on the context and the situation. But your goals, they are yours, they are the most precious thing for you, And if something or someone makes you get out of hand, you go for them. To dead. Whatever. Manipulating? Well of course.

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Aquarius, you, as you go through life on your own, sometimes it seems that those manipulation games do not go with you. And it’s actually a bit like that. You trust yourself, what you want, and if things don’t go the way you expect, then you assume it, but you don’t play dirty to win. What is the reason you can be manipulative? Well, when you want something at all costs. Because you are not capricious, so when you really want something, you really want it for good. And there you will put all your intelligence (your great value) at the service of getting what you want, whatever, even manipulating. But because for you the end justifies the means, and manipulating is more than justified before the value of the objective. But let it be clear that when you do it it is exceptionally, it is not your modus operandi. Every day you have enough weapons to get what you want without fooling anyone.

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Pisces, with you, the reasons to manipulate can be as many as you want. You could justify it with the fact that they wanted to hurt you, that they have sold you a relationship that was not so idyllic, or when that person has taken advantage of your most sensitive, generous, and innocent side. In your case, manipulating is not as important as how you manipulate: you turn the situation around and make yourself a victim. Take it now. There is no one who will beat you. Congratulations on that know-how and sell yourself like this. That it is true that many times you are a real victim, but deep down you are stronger than many imagine. So it is a pleasure to see you act, making clear what you are suffering, the damage that has been done to you or that there is no right with what you always give … And how it is true that you are generous with others,

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