Ranking The Zodiac Signs From Least To Most Likely To Break Your Heart

1. Cancer: June 21st – July 22nd

Cancers would rather do anything than breaking someone’s heart. If they do hurt someone, they feel disgusting about it and will think about it for a long time — it may even prevent them from getting into another relationship for a long time. If they break up with you, they’ll definitely try to stay friends with you because they’d feel terrible if you hated them. The most common reason for Cancer to break up with someone is if their partner didn’t get along with their family because, for a Cancer, family always comes first. They can get a new partner but not a new family.

2. Libra: September 23rd – October 22nd

They do not want to hurt other people, so when they do, it’s a reaction to feeling hurt. They tend to get into relationships too quickly and when things start to get serious, they decide they need to get out. This sign also prefers to flee to have a face-to-face break. They hate conflict and breaking up with someone can make them feel guilty, so disappearing little by little is the best method to disappoint a relationship. However, this can be more painful, since the other person finds out that the relationship is over and Libra has not had the guts to tell them in person.

3. Virgo: August 23rd – September 22nd

Virgo will break your heart by zeroing in on every little thing you did wrong throughout the relationship and throughout your life. Virgos can be extremely critical and when their laser-like focus falls on you, watch out because they’re going to destroy your self-esteem, self-confidence, and feelings of self-worth. They think that they’re not coming from a place of pain but that they’re telling you things you should know so that in the future, you’ll be a better person and you’ll have better relationships. If you can survive a tearing down done by a Virgo, you can survive anything in life.

4. Scorpio: October 23rd – November 21st

Scorpios feel emotions very deeply and when they finally commit to someone, they fully intend for their relationship to last for a long while. However, if a Scorpio is hurt, they will lash out at you in a way that’s positioned to do the most damage. They have an instinct for what hurts people the most, and they know your weaknesses and secret fears and those are what they’re going to zero in on. If you hurt or betray them, they’ll focus in on coming up with various hurtful ways to make you pay. A wounded Scorpio is vicious, so it’s better to be careful.

5. Capricorn: December 22nd – January 19th

“You ‘re a true person … and anybody who gets in the way of that, you fling them out,” should be Capricorn’s motto. If your ideas of what a relationship looks like don’t meld with Capricorn’s, they’ll dump you without a backward glance. They can be hugely inflexible and they aren’t big on compromise when applied to their personal life. It’s not that they’re hard-hearted, it’s that they’re terrified of being hurt themselves and they’d rather dump you before you have a chance to dump them.

6. Aries: March 21st-April 19th

Aries falls in love swiftly and but fades even faster. When they want to end up with you, you’ll wonder what you did wrong and what caused the break in the first place. Aries does not delay in their decisions, they will leave you and they will go on and that is what does more damage: the feeling that you never cared in the least. Do not make the mistake of involving them in an argument about their post-breakup, because they will try to give you the most irresistible pain. When provoked, they can be terribly blunt.

7. Taurus: April 20th-May 20th

For a sign that can be so attractive and delightful, Taurus can be brutal, cold and cruel. You think everything is going great when all of a sudden, they turn on you. Taurus can be completely backstabbing cold, and while we don’t like to say evil, they certainly seem to be able to access a whole lot of negativity and hurt when they want to do some damage. If they decide they’re done or that you betrayed them in some way, it’s impossible to change their mind. If you think of the amount of determination they use just by being their stubborn selves and translate that into the energy they use in a breakup, you can get an idea of the kind of devastation they create.

8. Leo: July 23rd – August 22nd

Leo will break your heart making you feel small and insignificant. Leos need to be the centre of attention and if you are by their side, you will share that position. However, when they are no longer interested, they will simply push you deeper and deeper, until you feel that your world and yours are separate entities. When a Leo breaks up with you, it can be a crushing blow to your self-esteem, causing you to question your own worth. Do not let them do this, you are stronger than that. You will not have assumed a relationship if you did not have some strength and self-esteem, so you just have to access it.

9. Pisces: February 19th – March 20th

They can be super sweet when they are in love with someone, but when not, they can turn out as pessimistic. They will hurt you in a great variety of ways and then they will turn around and the victims will be made, making you feel bad for telling them anything. They will never admit bad behaviour and the moment they finish their dialogue, you will be left in a mess wondering whose fault it was. You would be surprised at how cold and unfeeling they can be. Additionally, you can bet they will use their art in some way, making your heart “stay” alive once the relationship is dead.

10. Gemini: May 21st – June 20th

You’ll never know exactly where you standing with a Gemini. One moment, they may shower you with love and flowers; the next, they seem to have forgotten you completely. You never get your footing with a Gemini. While it may not come as a total surprise when they break up with you, it will still hurt horribly. You thought they really understood you and that they never had such deep conversations as they had for you. They’re smart and they’re charming but they’re also deadly when it comes to your heart. They are more likely to run away from you and then formally break up with you, which will hurt in the worst way.

11. Aquarius: January 20th – February 18th

It’s very simple for an Aquarius to break your heart because they’ll simply start flirt with other people right in front of their partners, totally aware of what they’re doing and then in practically the same breath, they’ll tell you that they love you and never want to leave you. When they do break up with you, they’ll do it with a feeling of intellectual superior like you couldn’t possibly understand their big brain needs. If you want to get back at them, try to have them end things with you in a public place — emotional displays make them very uncomfortable and if you start crying and yelling at them, they may not get why you’re so angry but they will have some regrets about doing it, even if those regrets are about not being able to control your outburst.

12. Sagittarius: November 22nd – December 21st

Sagittarius is the sign who will always put their needs and wants above anybody else’s. If you need them to stick around for a while, then that’s too bad, because their travel plans have already been made or they’ve already decided on accomplishing a certain goal for themselves by such and such date. They’re very self-centred and they’re always their own first priority. What’s worse is after they break your heart, they’re not going to understand why you’re experiencing so much pain. Sagittarians aren’t known for their empathy or being able to see things from someone else’s point of view, so they’ll wonder why you don’t just get over it. You can literally say Sagittarius is the sign who will break your heart in the worst way.





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