Here is the personality disorder of each zodiac sign

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The stars reveal to us what is the personality disorder that afflicts each zodiac sign. Do you already know yours?

Personality disorders are behaviors that are markedly different from the nature of the person who manifests them. It is as if something takes possession of the individual, altering his personality. Each of us is afflicted by these disorders, for some they are more pronounced while others manage them better, but each of us has his dark side.

When personality disorder occurs, the ways of reacting to perceiving something or relating to others are different than usual. The stars know what ailment afflicts each sign and are ready to reveal everything to us.

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The Aries native is very confident in himself and feels like a leader. He often manifests his need to dominate. His personality is strong and he likes to brag about his accomplishments. His worst personality disorder is aggression. They have an explosive personalities and are impulsive. They don’t control their emotions and end up having exasperated behavior that they often regret.

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The sign of Taurus is empathetic, selfless, and understanding. They are usually responsible and great at managing their finances. Their worst ailment is stubbornness. When they make a decision they get stuck and nothing and nobody can dissuade them, so much so that they have obsessive-compulsive behavior.

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Gemini is a sociable, nice, and cheerful sign. In the company of twins, it is impossible to get bored. Sharp and intelligent they know how to persuade others to do what they want. Their disorder concerns their need to always have someone by their side, they can’t stand being alone so much that they develop real emotional addictions.

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Cancerians are sensitive and have unconditional love for their family. They are strong and determined and are very loyal to their partner but woe to disappoint them and betray them. When they are wronged they become toxic, their words and their actions are so explosive that they trigger the feeling of having turned everyone against them and hence his paranoid personality disorder.

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Leo is the brightest sign of the zodiac. Passionate, creative, and successful, Leo combines his charisma with his determination and collects success in everything he does, from his career to his private life. They feel better than others, they have a huge ego, and they feel like undisputed kings of the world so much that they lead a narcissistic personality disorder.

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The Virgo sign is diligent, methodical, and precise. They have a gentle soul and experience the pains of the people around them, amplifying them. They suffer from a borderline personality disorder, they are kind but when they get angry they become ruthless.

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Libra is usually convivial and well-mannered. She spends her life seeking balance in his life, in conflicts, she is impartial and craves calm and peace in his life. Calm, friendly, and patient are also overly selfless enough to manifest a self-defeating personality disorder! In the end, to ensure the well-being of the people he loves, he forgets even their well-being of himself.

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Scorpio is mysterious and withdrawn to the point of appearing selfish and dark. This sign is governed by a strong passion and when he falls in love he is very faithful. When Scorpio does not feel comfortable with certain people he tends to become estranged enough to develop an avoidant personality disorder.

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You will not meet a selfless and positive person like Sagittarius. Natives of this sign have contagious optimism. They are very attracted to risk. Sagittarius may come to risk everything because of his temperament. They hate all forms of abuse and injustice and fight in defense of the weakest until they develop an antisocial personality disorder due to their high degree of rebellion.

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Capricorn is a hard worker. Professionally, nobody beats them. Work occupies the first place in their life and they are not only hardworking but also responsible and disciplined. Often they occupy the position of leader or team leader because they are obsessed with the correct functioning of everything and have impeccable team management. Capricorn works hard because he cares about his financial well-being and all of his sacrifices also serve to ensure that his family is not lacking anything. On the other hand, Capricorn is an excessively stubborn sign and its obsession with perfection often becomes compulsive enough to generate a perfectionism disorder.

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Anyone who knows an Aquarius knows how extroverted and original this sign is. Virtually impossible to code, the natives of this sign are avant-garde and progressive. They are usually very kind and can’t stand conflict. They raise their voices only in case of need and cannot bear to be dominated. Being eccentric results in altered thinking and perceptions which leads to a personality disorder called a schizotypal disorder.

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Pisces are fantasists and great dreamers. With their heads in the clouds, they struggle to keep their feet on the ground. Very sensitive people suffer from mood swings that make them appear bipolar. Unpredictable and not in a good way, they are obsessed with what others think of them so much that they develop a histrionic personality disorder.

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