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2024 is a very favorable year for most zodiac signs, but some astrological events can put a damper on things! It’s good to take them into account when you have to make major decisions!
Horoscope for all zodiac signs: what aspects it is good to be aware of before making certain changes in your life this year?
Special Horoscope: When Not to Make Important Decisions and Make Major Purchases in 2024
Some important data that all zodiac signs should take into account:
April 19: Eclipse season begins. Eclipses are powerful and meant to be disruptive. When we try to control these energies, the results can be unexpected. So try not to make difficult decisions.
April 21: At the same time as the eclipse season, Mercury Retrograde also begins. Right now, it’s possible that you don’t even know what you want and no one is in the best shape, mentally and emotionally, to adapt to your request. It’s a good idea to avoid making major decisions during this entire Mercury Retrograde cycle (April 21 – May 14).
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May 5: We have another eclipse, this time in the sign of Scorpio. This is rather a time to focus on spiritual protection and emotional mastery. Everyone will learn a lesson in patience in the spring of 2024.
From June 1 to November 1: Yes, it seems like a huge period! But the months of July, August, September, and October are all full of retrogrades and eclipses. It is a time to let the seeds you have planted so far take root and grow before planting something new.
All planets are retrograde, but Mercury has a much stronger impact on all of them.
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There are three retrogrades of Mercury in 2024:
April 21, 2024, in Taurus
August 23, 2024, in Virgo
December 13, 2024, in Capricorn and Sagittarius
It’s worth remembering: Each retrograde of Mercury lasts about three weeks and, in general, affects the professional segment. Therefore, according to astrologers, it is advisable not to intervene with our own decisions in these periods, because we need to follow what is happening first. Observe what the stars bring because it’s not always about negative things. Sometimes opportunities for learning and development appear in the way.
October: the eclipses that take place in autumn affect your personal and professional life. It is aimed at the financial sector, so be very careful with your expenses. It is not a good time for major purchases.
April: paradoxically, for you, spring comes with immense luck, thanks to Jupiter, which arrives in your sign, but also with bad luck. Beautiful things will happen to you, but the secret is not to force them. Don’t take your fate into your hands in April, but let things come to you!
November: a full moon in your sign shakes you to the core during this period. You will see, at the time, that you will feel a lot of confusion. There is no point in going against the current, but to accept and try to understand everything that is happening. You will see that everything makes sense!
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December: the whole year will be beneficial, but towards the end, it is good to sit and analyze. Beautiful things are being prepared for you, especially in the first part of 2024, so plant all the seeds now and, in December, just enjoy the fruits! It will be a difficult month, but you will cheer yourself up by thinking about how much you have achieved.
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February: your relationship will be put to the test this month. It is a lack of communication that you will have to solve. However, do not rush to make decisions during this period. Spring may bring another light to you!
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August: in general, the year 2024 is calm and quiet for you. However, the retrograde of Mercury right in your sign, on August 23, turns your life a little upside down. The end of the month will have to be dedicated to analysis, introspection, and less important actions.
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September: even in your birthday month, a full moon will bring on your shoulders a greater burden than you can carry. Only you are the one who can get rid of the heavy baggage and free yourself from the feelings that keep appearing. Communicate openly and avoid major decisions.
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May: this month, Saturn’s retrograde meets a lunar eclipse and, together, they will make you ask yourself many questions about your meaning. It’s not a good time to make decisions, and it’s not a favorable time to change your job or start courses, but you can think about these aspects. There will be light in your mind, in the future!
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July: Venus retrogrades in Leo and makes you more uncommunicative. And this especially affects your relationship. Instead of making an effort and saying things you will regret, it’s better to show your love through gestures. Tell your partner that you need patience and you will overcome this hop well!
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February: the beginning of the year is very difficult for you and you probably felt anguish and anxiety. Avoid important decisions, and try not to overwork yourself. You tend to work too much and you can end up with burnout. You feel like you are spinning in a circle. Fortunately, spring brings good news for you!
“Click Here to Find Capricorn Man Secrets You Need To Know”
June: Saturn will retrograde from June 17 to November 4. That’s why June will be a period of adjustment for you, bringing new moods and experiences. It is good to give yourself time for emotions and feelings before acting. Refrain from making important decisions during the summer. Postpone as much as possible!
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March: Saturn arrives in your sign this month and will bring you great challenges. Although his presence will be auspicious, to reach the necessary growth point, you will fight your demons. Don’t make big decisions, don’t change your job, or house, and don’t have important discussions with your partner, until you understand exactly what the stars bring you.