Zodiac Signs

October’s Tarot Readings For Aries, Leo, And Sagittarius

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In this reading, we’ll dive into October for three different zodiacs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. These zodiacs, also known as the fire signs, are known for their passion and energy and share many attributes—which is why they may find themselves sharing certain struggles or responding similarly to conflict.

Below, our tarot reader will explain what each of these signs will be dealing with this month, broken down by different card placements:

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— the past (what the signs have been through that influences this moment)
— the present (what the signs are dealing with right now)
— the challenge (what is currently impacting the present)
— their thoughts (how each sign is processing these events)
— their subconscious (how each sign may be responding to these events subconsciously)
— the future (what energies each of these signs are moving toward)
— advice (the best way for these zodiacs to navigate the month)

Card By Card Breakdown:

The Past:

Page of Wands

In the recent past, you felt a big surge of creative energy. You were feisty in your pursuit of your creative goals, and it seems your passion for this new experience was endless. You brought a new mindset to your creative work and didn’t get wrapped up in limiting thoughts based on prior experiences that you had. New ideas and new inspirations kept you going, feeding the fire of your limitless potential. You had an endless well of motivation, which fueled an enormous amount of progress.

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The Present:

Nine of Cups, Reversed

Regardless of that motivation and your passionate creative period and a ton of new ideas and approaches, you’re not feeling fulfilled. Instead of being able to reap the rewards of a job well done, you’re not feeling the normal surges of gratification that follow creating something. After such a prolific period of creation and inspiration, things feel like a disappointment and a letdown right now. Instead of feeling the loss of your passion, try to re-spark your creativity by celebrating life’s simple pleasures and moments. You can’t burn as bright as the sun every single day, and recharging yourself with gratitude for what you have and the wondrous life you’ve built will help you ground yourself.

The Challenge:

Ace of Wands

New ideas and all of the potential around you are a big challenge for you. There are so many new opportunities, yet you don’t feel like you can fully capitalize on all of them or bring them to fruition. It’s almost like you’re in a state of creative overwhelm / overload. You’re trying to do too much, too fast to make it all come true. The sheer volume of ideas and plans you’ve been thinking about is distracting you from being able to focus your creative energy on one task at a time.

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Your Thoughts:

Ace of Pentacles, Reversed

Your thoughts keep spinning on past mistakes, specifically ones that involve opportunities that you passed up. You’re more aware of what you feel you passed on than you normally would be, and the feeling of loss of opportunity and potential weighs heavier on you than usual. This is especially true when it comes to material investment into what you’re working on. You’re afraid of investing your time and energy into the wrong pursuits, and of what the loss that might cause you, and your nervousness about that is fueled by prior experiences.

Your Subconscious:

Queen of Swords

Subconsciously you know that you need to focus on facts and logic to make decisions and work through prioritizing everything you’re working on. Applying intellectual honesty to an assessment of where you are will help you figure out exactly what is best to focus on, and cut down on the feelings of creative overwhelm. A heavy dose of perspective (accompanied by your wit!) will also help you realize how your thoughts of the past could be working against you, and how to get them working for you.

The Future:

Page of Swords

Things are going to start moving again, and it might all start with some good news or a positive message you receive. The sharp thinking you need will be more in the forefront, and you’ll notice that your thoughts and concerns about past failures will start to fade as you make big strides moving forward! You’ll be on your toes and alert, and that is going to pay off with some big, new ideas on just how you can deal with all of the energy you have and the output you want.

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The Chariot

The biggest piece of advice for you to get the most out of your situation is that you focus, and maintain control. Don’t let your thoughts of the past spiral or take away any of your energy. Don’t allow yourself to be pulled into too many directions, focus on one thing at a time, and stay the course. Directing your will and your focus will allow you to see things through to fruition. If you were able to take control of one thing, what would help you thrive the most? When have you felt competing priorities before, and how did you deal with it?

Putting it All Together:

There are two pages and two aces in this reading, which tells me that you are not only dealing with a lot of new things, but you’re also dealing with the new, unbridled energy of people at the beginning of a journey or the beginning of an endeavor. Both the Queen and Page of Swords appear, and two Sword Court cards indicate that a lot of the ‘game’ you’re dealing with right now is highly mental. The reading is focused on creativity because your past and present are in the suit of wands, while your future is more about your mental state.

Recently you’ve had an upswing in creative ideas and output, as the Page of Wands indicates. You were able to capitalize on this surge of inspiration and had a lot of new ideas and projects happening at once. The more you indulged your exploration of new ideas, the more you made things happen, and the more you felt your creative fire. It also felt like the more you did, the more you were inspired to do. You thought for sure with all your creative productivity you’d feel that incredible sense of empowerment and satisfaction, but you never quite got to feel that. It’s left you feeling disappointed and has made you feel as though all the work was a bit hollow, which is the Nine of Cups in the present position.

Your thoughts keep spinning on past mistakes (Ace of Pentacles reversed). The feeling you’ve passed up prior opportunities is part of why you’re so frantic to capitalize on every new idea you’re having. Unfortunately, that’s splitting your attention, and diminishing your ability to bring all of your visions into being. You know you need to focus on facts and logic so you don’t get derailed and you can keep your creative fires lit (Queen of Swords). If you can manage to also focus your energy on one particular task or project instead of splitting your energy (The Chariot), you’ll be able to create something special. It’s easy to get creatively fired up when things are working, and one great new idea can lead to several quickly. You’ve had experiences in the past where it felt like you passed up great opportunities because you didn’t capitalize on a situation like this, attempting to do it all will just result in leaving a lot undone.

There’s a great future if you can manage it, one where you’ll be able to explore new ideas with fresh clarity, as long as you don’t let your thoughts get too tied up with your prior experiences.

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