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Tarot: The Fire Signs of the Zodiac (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) are known for their passion and energy.
Below, our tarot reader will explain what each of these signs will be dealing with this month, broken down by different card placements:
— the past (what the signs have been through that influences this moment)
— the present (what the signs are dealing with right now)
— the challenge (what is currently impacting the present)
— their thoughts (how each sign is processing these events)
— their subconscious (how each sign may be responding to these events subconsciously)
— the future (what energies each of these signs are moving toward)
— advice (the best way for these zodiacs to navigate the month)
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Card By Card Breakdown:
The Past:
8 of Pentacles, Reversed
You’ve been particularly harsh on yourself, and seeking perfectionism has done nothing but burn you out to the point that all you feel you can produce is mediocrity. You’re not feeling skill flowing through your fingers or hitting your flow point. Instead, you find yourself creating only sporadically and wanting to give up. Step back and try to remember when you started all of this that you wanted to enjoy the process.
The Present:
Queen of Swords
You’ve tried to self-correct after the burnout you were dealing with. Instead of driving yourself beyond reason, you’ve taken a more protective approach to your time. You understand the value of both your time and mental energy and are doing what you can to preserve them so that you can maintain the balance you need in your life. You’ve taken care to ensure that your days include time to create yourself some support systems.
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The Challenge:
6 of Pentacles
There is an imbalance in the flow of material – be it money, physical energy, or power. You could be giving up too much – or you could be demanding too much from someone else. It also might indicate that you’re incapable of asking for or accepting help. Generosity and gratitude are important things for our experience of this world and are intrinsic to how we operate within it. Getting this part balanced will be key.
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“Click Here to Find Leo Man Secrets You Need To Know”
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Your Thoughts:
Page of Swords
You have been having extremely expansive thoughts lately. Your curious mind has led you to explore a world of possibilities for yourself, and you are feeling just courageous enough to throw yourself after them. Your curiosity is at a high as you seek more and more information to support your innovative ideas. You know that you could make them work, and you have the ambition and initiative to make that happen.
Your Subconscious:
Page of Pentacles, Reversed
You don’t feel fully connected to your plans. While you put on a determined face, your non-committal feelings about some key aspects of your experience have led you to believe that your connection is just superficial. Your doubts have led to you having difficulties in making some of your ideas a reality and in some cases an inability to even commit to a plan to try.
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“Click Here to Find Sagittarius Man Secrets You Need To Know”
The Future:
8 of Swords, Reversed
It’s going to be a struggle because if you’re not able to correct the imbalance in giving and receiving or get over what that imbalance feels like to you, the resentment will lead to you having a very hard time trusting people and opening up. This will lead to paranoia. You’ll start shutting down and collapsing inward, trapped by the old stories you’ve been holding onto about yourself. Not only is it important that you let go of a bunch of negative narratives, but it’s also important for you to start creating new, empowered narratives about yourself and your experience.
King of Swords, Reversed
To navigate this situation you’ll need to be sure to follow your truth and passions. Use your self-awareness and situational awareness to analytically evaluate your best paths forward. Reject bitterness. Don’t allow your options to be narrowed by your mind. Be observant – especially of your own thoughts. Hold your judgment until you can be objective and logical.
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Putting it All Together:
This reading is dominated by Swords and Pentacles. Based on that alone I’d say that you have a lot on your mind – and what is on your mind may have something to do with your career or health matters (or deal with other realms of the physical world). As you work through the next month, make sure you don’t entirely neglect your emotional and spiritual experiences. Check in with yourself, because you’re going to have a lot to work through.
There are two pages in this reading – look for messages, invitations, and opportunities. Since so much of this reading is involved in the mind / physical body, you may feel physical manifestations of mental states (more acute stomach cramping when facing difficult decisions, etc.).
In the not-too-distant past, you just experienced a time when your perfectionism worked against you (8 of Pentacles Reversed). Instead of being in balance with how you sought to hone your skill, you went overboard: inner critique became inner critic faster than you were aware of, and it caused you to be separated from your inner drive. You burned the love right out of yourself and burned out. You’ve presently self-corrected and decided to take a moment and re-engage with what made you love the work (Queen of Swords). You’ve started dedicating some energy to maintaining your support systems. You’ve taken control of your time by re-evaluating how you’ve been using it and what you’ve been dedicating it to.
You’re still feeling as if the situation was imbalanced – and that you either gave (or took) too much (Six of Pentacles, Reversed). This feeling has permeated your thoughts since then, and trying to achieve an appropriate balance has proved challenging. No one can give all the time – and failing to correct this imbalance could create a situation full of resentment and paranoia (Eight of Swords).
You have been mentally engaged in figuring out solutions (Page of Swords), and have also been dealing with a gut feeling that you haven’t been as connected to your work as you should have been (Page of Pentacles, Reversed). To find your way through this situation, it’s important that you center your truths and your passions, and that you don’t lose sight of them (King of Swords, Reversed). Your awareness of yourself, in addition to your understanding of the imbalance you’re correcting, will be instrumental to you feeling empowered by your ability to address things before they become constraining.