Mercury in Aquarius signals a new era of leadership for the four zodiac signs.

On January 28 Mercury, the planet controlling language and communication, comes into creative Aquarius. Focusing truth-telling, challenging the current quo, and boldly emulating authenticity, this Mercury in Aquarius season will touch all Zodiacs but is especially powerful for these four Zodiacs.


Under Mercury’s rule, you fit the emphasis of this planet on inquiry, knowledge, and communication. Mercury will drive you to investigate unusual ideas and provide intellectual vitality as it goes into Aquarius. An Aquarian attribute is forward-thinking; as you explore other points of view, you will come to connect to a larger sense of purpose. You are always moving, and occasionally this causes personal energy to disperse. But Aquarius will test you over these next few weeks to help you refocus your mental attention toward long-term objectives, aspirations, and ideals and to develop a deeper awareness of priorities. Your task is to investigate fresh ideas and venture into unexplored ground.


Laying opposite Aquarius, events in this sign affect you, Leo. Mercury in Aquarius teaches perhaps not simple or quick but enormous potential in releasing fresh ideas and communication channels. Mercury is not retrograde, but the dynamic energy between you and Aquarius could give it the impression that way. Leo, Mercury in Aquarius, will call you to review your present leadership approach since Leo is a naturally born leader. You are removing old layers to live from fresh ideas of leadership. Trust the process, and fight any need to criticize yourself. New abilities and degrees of embodied awareness will sow seeds for a better future as you find significance in the trials.


In serving perfection, Virgo, you are exact and meticulous. Mercury rules; throughout the next few weeks, you will have a strong Aquarian influence as Mercury is headquartered in this sign. Aquarius emphasizes larger-picture, creative ideas yet your sharp eye for detail balances this. Sometimes a fear of making mistakes or failing causes you to grow bored or caught in a pattern. Others consider you to be rather trustworthy, and you are in the process of realizing that personal leadership would benefit from flexibility rather than from constraint. Your objective over the following several weeks is to develop internal safety that lets you be open to trying different approaches while also preserving inner resilience and stability.


Mercury’s tender place is for you, darling Aquarius. You orient yourself as an air sign toward awareness and intellectual interests. Now is the moment to give top priority to moving toward the goal you have for the future as the thrill of the new year starts to fade. Would you like to investigate any hobbies? Interest in terms of assessing your everyday schedule? Personal relationships you have been itching to investigate? Mercury’s influence on you is all-encompassing, even though he rules language and communication. With deliberate action, use this extra surge of energy to magnify goals and procedures. Your time of personal leadership celebrates autonomy and acting with great radical force.





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