Life Is Coming Fast And Furious For These 4 Zodiacs


I know your ideal is sipping tea on a train with a view worthy of the Orient Express, Sagittarius. Still, sometimes life comes at you like a mad dash through the airport during the holidays where you are running way behind and the lines are too long and by the time you make it to your gate, the flight’s been canceled anyway. Like travel, life has many paces, risks, and obstacles, and you often can’t take the good without the bad. You can handle it. You are equipped with the coping skills to figure out a path forward. You might even be able to look at it as an adventure with the right perspective. Find that metaphoric airport bar to be your oasis in the chaos.


Sometimes life forces us to make a split-second decision with lasting impact, Aries. And while it’s natural to want to press pause and freeze time so we have longer to weigh the options against each other, we can’t. So the next best thing is to trust our gut follow our heart and see what comes next. Society places too much importance on a five-year plan. The truth is that no one knows what lies around the corner, or what outside forces will impact our ability to take any one path for an extended period. You are your navigator, and if a detour presents itself, you are in control of the steering wheel. Don’t be afraid to take the scenic route.


Aquarius is known to raise their hand and volunteer for the causes that inspire and excite them. But when they do, it’s only a matter of time before someone puts them to work and they dive head-first into the fray. You will make it through this phase, Aquarius, even if it feels like drinking from a fire hose. Don’t lose sight of the reasons you got into this field, even if it’s challenging at first. You are turning your dreams into your reality, and god knows reality comes with tedious administrative tasks. But those tasks keep the world running. They ensure people are paid or fed or educated, and whatever small corner of the world you are impacting, you’re leaving it a better place.


You’re used to operating a at very high pace, Gemini. You don’t block off time for lunch on your calendar. It’s just go, go, go from morning until night because you don’t want to miss out on anything. But sometimes change can come at us faster and more furiously than our schedules can handle. Sometimes it throws everything out of whack. Don’t despair, you will be able to restore order to the world, you’re just going to have to do it one thing at a time. Take some of the pressure off of your shoulders and learn to swim with the current instead of against it. You will need your strength, for the real work begins once you make it to shore





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