What kind of heart you have Based on your zodiac sign

What makes your soul tick Which way did your heart take? How has it changed over time and through the things it has experienced? Now you will find out what your heart really is because the stars tell you.

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Your heart was once soft, but all of your traumatic experiences, insults you experienced and the pain you had to feel have made it harden.

Every new wound has closed it a little more and if someone tries to open it today it takes your heart a very long time to let it in.

BULL (APRIL 21 – MAY 20)

Just like your mind, your heart is rigid and unyielding. You are still stuck in past relationships and ties and violently refuse to let them go.

So it is unfortunately impossible for you to get rid of it and lock it. You live in the past and thereby obstruct your present and your future.

TWINS (MAY 21 – JUNE 21)

Something in the past has particularly hurt you and continues to strain your heart to this day. You still suffer from earlier conflicts and pain.

That’s why it’s hard for you to get involved with something new because your heart is too heavy to be detached.


Your heart is gentle and tender and your emotions are sensitive. Authenticity and trust are the most important things for you and so you stand by your feelings, even if they make you sad or vulnerable.

You accept yourself and show yourself openly to others if you can trust them completely.


You present yourself strongly and independently. You don’t let your opponent feel any weakness so that he cannot sense any attack surface. In truth, there is much more in you, because you too are compassionate and vulnerable.

But you disguise that well because your heart is closed behind a perfectly staged mask.


You take great care of your fearful heart and that it is not hurt. You are accompanied by worry about losing control and getting into a situation where you are the victim.

That is why you closely examine people and your feelings and leave nothing to chance. It takes quite a while before you let go.


The heart in your chest is reliable and faithful. You would never give up someone hastily and move on to the next. You fight for what you love.

You can rely on yourself because you stay and give yourself completely to the people at your side. You never give up hope!


Your heart is devoted and full of love. People feel comfortable around you because you are complete with them.

You are attentive and patient, radiate a warm warmth and always have a respectful and happy attitude. That comes naturally and is within you.


The heart in you is broken. It has cracks and unhealed wounds. You carry a lot of old burdens with you and are marked by the experiences and relationships of your past.

Giving your heart back to someone scares you because you couldn’t bear to go through this again.


A heart beats in you that is very reserved. You often seem cool to others and this is because you do not open up quickly, but rather check exactly who is worth being left inside and who is not. This particular circle is small and selected.


You have the biggest heart of all! You give and give and don’t stop. Your heart beats for all your loved ones: for your friends, your family and for all the other good acquaintances who enrich your life.

Everyone knows how big your heart is and how generous you are.


Many secretly admire the extraordinary strength of your heart. You stand out on this list because you are indestructible.

You have survived a lot and it didn’t make you small. You keep fighting bravely and don’t let anything get you down.

The heart in you is the center of your body. The stars know its special meaning. Treat it well, get to know it and take care of it. Your heart is the most valuable thing you have and your compass for life.





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