How To Impress Each Zodiac Sign On A First Date


On a first date, an Aries is determined to dazzle you, especially if they initiated the date. They aren’t as concerned with diving deep into getting to know you right away–they want to live in the moment and not weigh down a good time with any potential heaviness. If you’re going to impress them, don’t shy away from their playful banter or debates. Even if the topics seem pointless, Aries have strong opinions and love to share them. If you can prove that you have your own and can challenge them, they might be caught off guard, but in a good way. Aries wants a partner who can keep up, so show them you can.


Taurus signs aren’t ones to go over the top when they’re interested in someone–they’re subtle but decisive. On a first date, a Taurus will want to get to know you and see if you match up with who you appear to be. Impressing them doesn’t take a showstopping, fast-paced date. Organizing a low-key date–such as a coffee shop or dinner and drink somewhere–will impress them, especially if you let them pick the location. Don’t try to force any interactions, but ask thoughtful questions about them and let them respond at their own pace. They will be impressed that you’re taking the time to get to know them and that you enjoy having genuine conversations with them. Be willing to answer their questions about yourself, but don’t exaggerate to make them like you more–they can sense when you’re lying.


To impress a Gemini, prove that you have done your research–try to find out their hobbies and some of their interests ahead of time and ask them questions. They appreciate it when someone genuinely appreciates them and cares what they have to say. While they are excited about new experiences, they also enjoy introducing someone to something they are heavily interested in or somewhat of an expert in–so allow them to tell you about the things they are passionate about. However, you don’t have to let them do all of the talking. They are curious people who love learning new things and will be intrigued if you have interesting topics to discuss with them.


To impress a Cancer on a first date, the main thing to keep in mind is thoughtfulness. They are more inclined to let their feelings and impressions of you guide how they respond, and given their intuitive and sensitive nature, even small mistakes can heavily affect the evening. They are searching for authenticity, not someone going out of their way to show off or astonish them. Keeping things simple, such as cooking a dinner they like at your home or taking them out to a place they already love, shows that you care about their comfort and feelings, which will leave a lasting impression on them.


It isn’t the easiest thing to impress a Leo on a first date–but it’s not impossible. Leos want to have the best possible time, and they want you to be on their level. Dress to the nines, match their enthusiasm and don’t be afraid to ask them about their accomplishments and take an interest in them. They can be suspicious of overwhelming flattery, and they likely won’t pour out their hearts to you right off the bat. They want to see if this is a potentially equal partnership–so give it your best.


Be prepared. Virgos are excellent planners, and they fiercely believe the devil is in the details. Determine their interests and plan the date around them, and take care of every detail. Book the tickets, provide transportation, and have backup options in case something comes up. Allow them to see that you’re a person who can take care of yourself and them (though if you end up in a relationship, it’s doubtful they will ever let you do so).


Don’t hesitate the pull out all the stops. Libras don’t require a spotlight on them or an evening of bombarding them with huge gestures–they do want to feel special and appreciated. The way you dress, where you take them, and how much effort you put into conversations will be a direct reflection on how you feel about them, so trying to downplay your interest will backfire. If you have connections to an exciting event, know about an exclusive party, or you know of a hidden gem they haven’t heard of, take them–they want to know you aren’t just going through the motions.


Impressing a Scorpio on a first date is all about patience. Scorpios know the association with their zodiac sign, and they can tell if you’re attempting to speed things up just so you can jump into bed with them. They may not want to talk about themselves much, so respect their privacy. Take your time having genuine conversations and show that your interest is about them, not what you can get from them.


Sagittarius signs want you to be yourself, and they will know if you’re trying to be someone else. To impress a Sagittarius, prove you can go with the flow in situations–don’t let a change in plans derail the whole evening. Be honest with them, and don’t be afraid to engage in spirited conversations–they want to know if you’re someone who can respect their independent nature but also match their wit.


If your goal is to impress a Capricorn on a first date, you have to let them know you have your act together–but do it subtly. Capricorns appreciate people who work hard, don’t play games, and aren’t afraid of a bit of structure. Suggest options for the date, but let them make the final call. Offer to pay for anything you do, though they’ll likely offer to split the tab. They aren’t fond of people who brag about themselves, so tread lightly.


Impressing an Aquarius on a first date only requires one thing: originality. You don’t have to pick the weirdest or unusual date for them to have a good time, but if you suggest the same old routine of dinner and movie, it better be an unheard-of restaurant and an intriguing underrated film. The main thing Aquarius cares about is getting to know you and seeing what makes you different from the rest, so embrace those sides of yourself–even if you feel a little weird, they will appreciate the effort.


To impress a Pisces, you’ll need to embrace your vulnerable side. They don’t want to waste their time with someone insincere, and they prefer to dive right in emotionally. If you’re not comfortable expressing your feelings so quickly, that’s fine–but you need to let them know that upfront. Even if you aren’t spilling your guts right off the bat, they will still appreciate the small act of opening up it will take you to communicate that with them. If you’re more of an open book, then don’t hold back. They aren’t subtle people and will be excited to dive into those emotional depths with you.





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