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“I will break your heart if you try to control me.”
When you’re dating an Aries, remember that they like to be in charge of their own destiny. Telling them what to do is a quick way to get them to do the exact opposite–including never listening to you again.
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“I will break your heart if you betray my trust.”
Loyalty and honesty are some of the biggest traits a Taurus requires in the person they love. There’s no coming back from betrayal when it comes to them.
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“I will break your heart if you don’t keep me occupied.”
Geminis get bored easily. If every day is the same with you, they’ll start to feel annoyed and lose interest–which can make it hurt all the more when they break things off.
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“I will break your heart if nothing else works.”
Cancers aren’t usually the ones doing the heartbreaking. They withstand a lot in relationships and stay far longer than they maybe should. If they’re doing the breaking, it’s a last resort.
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“I will break your heart if you make me feel invisible.”
Leos want to feel loved, adored. If they get any feelings of apathy from you, they’ll quickly pull away. A Leo would rather be alone than be with someone who only feels–or appears to feel–lukewarm about them.
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“I will break your heart if you question my every move.”
Virgos spend a lot of their time planning and analyzing their choices. They don’t jump headfirst into things, so if you still question them after all that, they quickly realize you’re not a match.
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“I will break your heart if you want me all to yourself.”
Libras’ social circles are wide and varied. They have an interweaving network of friends and family and exes, so if your codependence keeps them from their circle, you’ll have a swift exit.
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“I will break your heart if you belittle my feelings.”
It takes a lot for a Scorpio to open up. They’ll go full scorched-earth if you belittle what they’re saying once they finally open up to you.
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“I will break your heart if you don’t seem invested in the relationship.”
When a Sagittarius loves, they love hard and completely. If they feel like they’re the only one feeling all the big feelings, they’d rather just be alone.
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“I will break your heart if you never accept my help.”
Capricorns like to show their love by doing things for the people they care about–often totally unprompted by you. But if you have a hard time accepting help or guidance, they’re dissatisfaction will be obvious.
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“I will break you heart if you want more than I can give.”
Aquarius’s are independent, even when they’re in a relationship. They easily feel stifled, so if they’re getting the vibe that you’re more into this than them, expect heartbreak soon.
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“I will break your heart if you never open up.”
Sharing feelings, thoughts, opinions, and emotions is a two-way street for Pisces. They want to feel that natural give and take when sharing their hearts, and will be done with someone if they can’t reciprocate.