How Your Zodiacs Influences Your Fear of Huge Relationships


you will lose out on adventures because you will settle down too soon.


If you come to trust someone, they will be unfaithful to you.


that when you become used to having someone else in your life and see them as your closest friend ever, they will leave you.


that if you dare to let someone fresh into your heart, they will do the same to you as the last person did.


that they will exploit the information you divulge about your innermost desires, anxieties, and hopes against you.


that you will be rejected if you show your emotions for the first time in a long time.


The idea is that you will offer everything you own to someone who won’t value it.


that you’ll have high expectations of someone and be let down when you discover they’re just like everyone else.


that you will unknowingly commit to the wrong person until it’s too late.


that love will divert you and cause you to lose sight of your passions.


that you will fall for a narcissist, a liar, or a manipulator.


that allowing someone to into your heart will allow them to take advantage of your vulnerability.





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