How You Deal With Loss Based On Your Zodiac Sign

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Aries tend to channel the pain associated with loss through anger. They lash out at others when they feel their emotions are too much to handle.

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Taurus will not hesitate to contact their loved ones for support when dealing with loss. They need reassurance that everything will be okay from the people who know them best.

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When dealing with loss, Gemini tends to withdraw completely. They pull away from the people who love them the most because they want to be alone with their thoughts.

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When dealing with loss, the Crab will find any reason to blame themselves for whatever went wrong. They feel overwhelming amounts of unwarranted guilt.

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When dealing with loss, Leo lets everything out. They give themselves permission to cry and feel all their feelings.

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When dealing with loss, Virgo tries to rationalize what happened and make sense of it. They tend to choose facts over feelings when dealing with tough emotions.

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When dealing with loss, Libra will try to fix whatever happened, even when it’s beyond their control. They have a hard time accepting loss and reality.

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When dealing with loss, Scorpio uses humor to mask their sadness. They try to laugh off the pain and protect themselves from the hurt.

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When dealing with loss, a Sag will blatantly ignore their pain. They distract themselves by staying busy and having fun, so they don’t have to think about it.

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When dealing with loss, Capricorns throw themselves into work. They stay as busy as possible so they don’t have time to be sad.

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When dealing with loss, Aquarians often turn to unhealthy habits to cope. They distract themselves in the only way they know how.

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When dealing with loss, Pisces will withdraw from life altogether. They prefer to grieve privately and shut out the rest of the world until they feel stable.

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