How To Stop Feeling Insecure In A Relationship? 4 Ways

Are you trying hard to stop acting insecure in your relationship but failing to do so due to various reasons? You may want to stop behaving that way but you cannot help yourself. Sometimes we are so scared to lose people that we suffocate them with our insecurities, with the fear of losing them. But don’t worry soon you will find ways how to control insecurity in a relationship that will help you to guide yourself in this matter. Here are 4 ways how to stop feeling insecure in a relationship.

1. Focus on building your self-esteem:

Most of the time, the reason behind feeling insecure in a relationship is because you feel that you are lacking somewhere, you are not feeling good about who you are and when it happens you start taking your partner’s help to feel good about yourself. And when your well-being depends on someone’s opinion you start losing yourself and this is the worst feeling ever. This may even let your partner run away from you as it happens to be like a burden. So the first thing you should do as to how to stop feeling insecure in a relationship is to focus on building and boosting your self-esteem, and self-confidence. Being confident about yourself will help you to attract your partner and it will even help you to build your relationship strong.

2. Stay independent, let them be independent:

The moment you are dependent on your partner for your emotional stability, and emotional needs, is the moment when you are giving birth to insecurities. When you no longer control your mind, and your feelings and let your partner control them, you are becoming an insecure person and making your partner too. You need to stay independent, you should depend on your strength, on your own for your happiness, for your emotional needs. Let your partner do the same, there shouldn’t be dependency because when there is dependency there is insecurity. And when you both are independent a healthy relationship that leads. It is one of the best ways how to stop feeling insecure in a relationship.

3. Forget past bad experiences and put effort into making the present relationship better:

In most cases, it happens that just because you have experienced a toxic relationship and a bad experience, you try controlling your present relationship and you make sure that you don’t face the same situation again but in the course of trying this, you are creating a worse situation. You can’t be a prisoner to prison your partner just because your experience was the worst. You should try to learn lessons from it and try to make your present relationship better. The first thing you should do when entering into a new relationship is you should forget your past bad experience. And you should emphasize more in making your present better. It is one of the best ways how to stop feeling insecure in a relationship.

4. Stop overthinking and trust yourself:

Why insecurity rises in a relationship? When one person assumes, creates a situation of their own, and starts imagining it to be a reality. When you overthink every situation and make it a big issue it gives a boost to your insecurities. All you need to do is to stop overthinking and think only about what is necessary and not what will create a havoc situation in your relationship. Trust yourself and the fact that you fit in the relationship, you don’t have to pretend to make your partner happy. You are perfect the way you are. You should not think about your lacking or your partner’s. Focus on the good qualities you both have, you both share. This will make your bond strong, and your relationship better. It is the best way how to stop feeling insecure in your relationship.





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