Zodiac Signs

How To Reignite Sparks, Based On Their Zodiac Sign

Aries: Friendly competition

The hardest part about friendly competition for Aries is going to be keeping things friendly, but we think the two of you can manage it. For Aries, a little bit of competition can be fun – even if you’re not in a particularly competitive relationship. The two of you might enjoy activities that bring a little bit of gentle competition: think board games, video games, outdoor sports, or even things like reading or cooking challenges. Just remember that the real prize isn’t winning – it’s building a stronger bond between the two of you

Taurus: Adding small things to your schedule

Taurus loves routine, but this can sometimes make things feel a little monotonous. That’s perfectly fine in a long-term relationship, but if you’re looking to try and make things more exciting for them, you can help Taurus shift out of their comfort zone without disrupting the sanctity of your date nights. It’s a bad thing to spring a huge surprise on Taurus, but you might enjoy both changing things up a little occasionally – trying new restaurants, new driving routes to your usual spots, or even planning an activity the two of you have never done before.

Gemini: Learning new topics

Gemini loves learning – the most exciting thing to them is something their curiosity can grapple with for a while. You’ll never lose their interest if you present them with new topics to think about – especially if the two of you agree to a friendly debate or discussion. You might enjoy watching an interesting documentary, buddy reading a book, or joining a new interest club. It’s also important for the two of you to discuss what you’re learning on one for a little extra bonding time.

Cancer: Using sentimentality

To keep things interesting with Cancer, you might want to try planning things around your favorite memories of yours. That doesn’t mean you have to constantly repeat old dates, but Cancer will always appreciate things like love letters, printed photos of activities you went to together, or playlists of songs that remind you of them. They’d also love it if you surprised them with a trip to a spot that’s meaningful to the two of you or put a new twist on old favorite activities together – think going on a sailing tour if you first met at the beach, taking a mixology class at your favorite bar, or attending an event for a hobby you both love.

Leo: Surprising them

You know your partner best, but Leo is often a sign that appreciates gifts (and gifting) as a major part of their love language. They love any kind of surprise, whether it’s a sweet treat after a long day, a bouquet, a heartfelt card, or even a more significant, personalized gift. You don’t have to spend any money to make Leo happy – you just need to show them that you are thinking about them. These types of surprises give them something that makes them feel cared about and keeps them on their toes, making things feel exciting in between their everyday lives.

Virgo: Planning recurring date nights

A great way to show Virgo you care is by taking the time to schedule your date nights in advance. To keep things exciting without disrupting their busy schedule, set a specific day or time each week to do something together. Then, take over the planning with something new each week. Whether you want a casual movie night, a fancy night out on the town, or a full-day adventure, you’ll both be setting aside time in your schedules to keep your relationship interesting.

Scorpio: Test out couples’ questions

Scorpio sometimes has a hard time opening up, but they’ll respond well to genuine care and curiosity from you. You might look into questions that can help the two of you learn more about each other and your relationship goals. Think about questionnaires like the NYT’s 32 Questions to Fall in Love or couple’s games that focus on asking and answering a deck of questions. Though this might feel a little cheesy to the two of you at first, they do genuinely open up the opportunity for you to both get to know each other more in a way that simply wouldn’t come up naturally in conversation. Even if you’ve been together for a while, these kinds of questions often bring up answers that you won’t have heard before.

Sagittarius: Couples’ getaways or day trips

For Sagittarius, a great way to bond and keep things interesting is by getting away for a while. They might be interested in an overnight camping trip or an easy day hike – maybe they’ll want to take a well-planned yearly vacation with you, a road trip to a neighboring city, or just spend an afternoon at the beach. This gives them something to look forward to when things are feeling monotonous (a normal part of any relationship) and helps mix things up for Sagittarius in a way that they’re bound to appreciate. Plus, these kinds of activities will help bond the two of you together.

Capricorn: Have focused date nights

Capricorn loves setting goals. They want to make sure they’re on target for everything they want in life. Believe it or not, you can set up relationship goals and targets, too. Creating a date night to chat with Capricorn about new goals or ideas you have for the two of you as a couple – adding more spontaneous dates, trying an activity together, communicating in a new way – will keep things exciting in a way that Capricorn can easily understand. This kind of communication is super important to Capricorn and helps them learn to keep things interesting without overwhelming them or making them anxious.

Aquarius: Focus on their interests

Aquarius probably enjoys talking to you about their work and their passions. Even after you’ve gotten to know them entirely, they’re probably still itching to talk to you about the things they like – even if they’re things you already know by this point! Discussing the day-to-day of their passions, hobbies, and how their work is going is super important to Aquarius. To keep things exciting, try to learn something new about their work or ask a specific question about their hobby each day. In the long term, see if you can invest in their work in other ways – by asking to jthem oin in on a hobby night or read something about their interests.

Pisces: Try a new creative hobby

Pisces can get bored easily – they always want to be working on something or creating something. They’re an extremely creative type, so focusing on creative activities as a couple can be a good way to spark their interest. The key with Pisces is not just to switch things up with couples activities, but also to do something that the two of you haven’t done together every so often. You might want to dive in headfirst by seeking out something that both of you are genuinely bad at, or just look for creative interests that neither of you havehased out. You might also look for Pisces to teach you something that they’re good at, or vice versa. This giallows you botho look at an activity you’ve done before in a new light

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