How To Manifest Your Goals This December, According To A Tarot Reader & Astrologist

As we prepare to head into the year’s year’s final month, it’s time to reflect on how things have gone for us in 2024, the journey we’ve been on, what we’ve accomplished, and where things have gone differently than we might have wanted or expected. With that comes the opportunity to consider how we want to finish out our year and what intentions and goals we want to see through, or set into place as we wrap up the year.

This December is all about embracing resets while also setting our sights on what we want 2025 to look like, and how we need to end 2024 to step into the new year on the right foot. Read on for a tarot reading for your sign on how to bring your goals into focus and what action will help you see those goals through as we head to the end of the year! Be sure to check both your sun and rising sign!


  • Focus: Judgment
  • Action: the High Priestess

Aries, as we step into December, you need to bringritual calling into focus in a way that brings about a much-needed sense of clarity and awakening around how to direct yourself towards your goals. Listen to your intuition when it comes to the best pathway towards action. You may even find that you have a deep, subconscious knowledge of the path forward. Remember that you’re unstoppable when you trust yourself, Aries.


  • Focus: Queen of Pentacles
  • Action: 6 of Swords

Taurus, to step towards your goals this month you need to bring your financial security and groundedness into focus. How can you use your current sense of security and abundance of resources to help feed movement toward your own goals? You may find that to take action you need to let go of any mindset that is holding you back. What beliefs are weighing you down and keeping you from moving forward?


  • Focus: Queen of Wands
  • Action: 5 of Pentacles, reversed

It’s time to bring your own bold courageousness and creative power into focus, Gemini! You have so much more power and authority than you’re giving yourself credit for. Don’t be afraid to look towards the resources around you for support in taking action. In tapping into both of these things you may find yourself moving forward from the struggles that have been holding you back lately.


  • Focus: The Emperor
  • Action: 7 of Swords, reversed

Cancer, it’s time for you to focus on tapping into your power through being your source of structure and authority. To bring that into focus as a means of stepping towards your goals, you may find that imposter syndrome is what’s standing in your way. How can you be more honest with yourself in a way that emboldens your authority?


  • Focus: 10 of Cups
  • Action: 8 of Swords

Leo, for you stepping towards your goals this month is best achieved through bringing your emotional fulfillment into focus. What brings harmony and alignment into your life and how can those things serve as a guide towards achieving the goals that uplift those things for you? To take action you need to trust yourself to move forward, even without being able to quite see what’s ahead of you. You’re often very confident, Leo, but you have trouble letting things go once they take root, including debilitating mentalities. It’s time to release the self-limiting beliefs that are holding you back.


  • Focus: Ace of Pentacles
  • Action: 8 of Wands

Virgo, this month your goals are best achieved through focusing on new ventures and opportunities towards abundance. It may even be time to finally start that business you’ve been thinking about, apply for that new job you’ve been eyeing, or bring the promotion you know you’re ready for up to your boss. For you taking action lies in just jumping right in! You can be a little prone to overthinking, Virgo, but you may be surprised at the momentum that takes hold once you just get going.


  • Focus: 4 of Pentacles
  • Action: the Magician

Libra, to step towards your own goals this month you need to bring your relationship with your finances into focus. Are you being too frugal and need to splurge to invest in your goals? Or is it the reverse, do you need to get better about saving? Bringing your finances into focus will bring a little clarity around what it will take to achieve your goals this month. However, taking action lies in understanding that you are incredibly capable, and all you need are the tools in front of you. When you focus on your capabilities in combination with what you do have, rather than what you don’t have, your ability to manifest comes so naturally.


  • Focus: The Devil
  • Action: The Chariot

Scorpio, to manifest your goals you need to bring your habits and vices into focus. How are your attachments and negative habits holding you back from achieving your goals? You have tremendous willpower and strength, Scorpio, and by simply bringing these vices into your focus, you hold the ability to transform them into your favor. By trusting your willpower and ability to set the course of your direction, you will find yourself on the right path.


  • Focus: 7 of Pentacles
  • Action: Queen of Swords

Sagittarius, you’re just not giving yourself enough credit for how much you’ve accomplished this year so far! You need to bring your focus towards how much work you’ve been putting in. Step back and look at what you’ve achieved to determine what needs to happen next. For you, taking action lies in making unbiased judgments when it comes to your greater goals, and being very clear and direct in your communication and boundaries with those in your life.


  • Focus: 5 of Cups
  • Action: 8 of Pentacles

Capricorn, your ambition and vision are enough to get you anywhere, but right now you need to bring your setbacks into focus. What disappointment are you lingering on that it’s time to let go of? Any disappointments that you are holding on to, consciously or subconsciously, are keeping you from moving toward what’s next for you. The course of action from here lies in getting disciplined (something you excel at naturally) and continuing to focus on personal mastery of the skills you need.


  • Focus: The Moon
  • Action: Queen of Cups

Aquarius, the fears and illusions you are projecting onto your current circumstances are holding you back. By bringing these uncertainties into focus, you hold the ability to identify them and move them to the forefront from the periphery of your subconscious. Doing this will bring you a stronger sense of emotional groundedness that will allow you to go with the flow while also feeling steady and stable. You often take a stance of aloofness and detachment, but by identifying your subconscious projections, you stand to gain a sense of emotional mastery and self-compassion that will help manifest the results you’re truly looking for.


  • Focus: 5 of Wands
  • Action: 4 of Wands

Pisces, it’s time to bring the conflict you’ve been struggling with into focus, whether it’s internal or external conflict. Where have you been meeting friction in your life and where is that friction at odds with where you want to be headed? All of the energy expended on these conflicts is draining you rather than energizing you, which is ultimately holding you back from manifesting your goals. ITofuel motivation and action, feed your time and energy into those things that are bringing stability, harmony, celebration, and joy into your life. After all, where focus goes, energy flows!





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