How To Manifest Your Dream Person, Based On Your Zodiac + Tarot

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Your Card: Three of Cups

Your dream person isn’t just going to fall on your lap, Aries. Get out there and socialize. Make yourself visible and connect with people. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there or flirt shamelessly. Most importantly, build a strong friendship with the apple of your eye, before jumping into anything serious. This is the foundation you need to nurture a deep emotional bond—one that gives you a true sense of joy and belonging.

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Your Card: Five of Swords

Be careful with who you trust with your heart. Beware of potential partners with a dark, hostile, or unpredictable side. Avoid anyone who doesn’t meet your standards, you won’t find what you seek in a “fixer-upper.” What you need is someone who will provide you with that stability you crave, someone who will make you feel emotionally secure, and someone with whom you’ll always have clarity. If you want to be intentional when it comes to finding love, then approach every prospect with honesty and directness. Be clear about what you want. If you want to manifest your dream person, set and enforce boundaries.

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Your Card: Two of Swords, reversed

If you want to manifest your dream person, you need to stop letting fear dictate how you act and make decisions when it comes to love. You have a fearful avoidant style when it comes to romance. It’s not that you don’t crave emotional connection, you do, it just scares you when you get too close to someone. The thought of letting yourself be truly seen terrifies you. This is why you tend to gravitate towards casual relationships and why you’ve self-sabotaged authentic connections in the past. You can’t keep running away from true love forever, Gemini. Work on overcoming your fear of vulnerability.

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Your Card: Seven of Cups, reversed

One of your deepest desires in life is finding that special person that you can build a life with. You want it all—the true love, the stability that comes with it, the home, the family, the safe space. Often, this longing has made you overlook red flags in a partner. Once you care about someone, you’ll do anything to keep that person, even when they’re not the right person. If you want to manifest real love in your life, you have to get grounded in reality. Don’t let illusion cloud your judgment. You must also stop wishing for love, and take action towards finding it. It’s not going to land on your doorstep. Date around a little. Don’t put all your eggs into one basket.

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Your Card: Judgment

Judgment is a card of renewal, awakening, and reflection. It advises you to leave the past in the past and start anew. Reflect on the past lessons love taught you. How can you make better choices? What have your old relationships made you realize about what you want and don’t want in a partner? In what ways can you move forward with a renewed sense of purpose in romance? You’re not going to attract your dream person into your life unless you open yourself up to new experiences. Expand your horizons. Visit places you never have before. Go for your complete opposite type.

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Your Card: Nine of Wands, reversed

You can’t let past heartbreak and disappointments make you lose hope, Virgo. To manifest that wonderful dream partner into your life, you’re going to have to let go of old wounds first. Create the space for true love by leaving the past where it belongs. Release the baggage that still weighs you down. Heal whatever heartache and traumas you have left to heal. Learn to trust again. Don’t let yourself become hardened. Open up yourself to the possibilities.

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Your Card: Nine of Swords, reversed

You could find the perfect person for you at this moment in time, and it wouldn’t work out unless you’ve put in the work of focusing on yourself first. This means overcoming your shadows, fears, and anxieties. Address any mental issues you need to address. Confront any wounds that still need healing. Move on from the pain or trauma left behind by your old relationship. Get to a point where you feel happy and fulfilled on your own. Only then can you attract your dream love into your life. Take your time. It’ll be so worth it.

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Your Card: Four of Wands

When you think about what you want from love, you long for a soulful bond, passion, something that is both exciting and grounding. You want a love that consumes you and brings you peace. You’re looking for something profound. As much as you crave an intimate connection, it’s also what scares you the most. If you want to manifest your dream love, you’re going to have to work on your hang-ups with vulnerability. Don’t close yourself off. Be willing to get out there and meet new people. If you find someone who moves you, let them crash down your walls, as uncomfortable as it may feel at first. Once you do that, love will bring you the stability, harmony, and deep connection you crave.

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Your Card: Ten of Cups, reversed

There’s a huge misconception that you don’t desire romance or commitment. It’s not necessarily that you don’t want love, it’s just that it can make you feel confined. Often, this makes you throw in the towel before you even establish a strong foundation. If you want to manifest your dream person, you’re going to have to put in the work. This means making some sacrifices. Life can’t be all play, Sag. You also need to work on openly communicating your need for space in a relationship and be willing to make certain compromises. Falling in love and committing yourself to someone doesn’t mean there won’t be any room for exploration in your life. You just have to work with the right person.

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Your Card: The Sun, reversed

There’s no way you’re going to manifest your dream person unless you start letting go of your unrealistic expectations in a partner. You hold people to such high standards—too high. Stop being so picky, Capricorn. Everyone comes with their flaws, idiosyncrasies, quirks, and pet peeves. You keep looking for something “wrong” in everyone you meet. Start looking for the good. Start looking for what lights you up like the sun.

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Your Card: The Empress

Manifesting your dream love is going to require gentle patience on your part, Aquarius. You don’t need to actively seek them out. They’re going to find you. Be selective when it comes to potential suitors. Let yourself explore your options. Have fun. Partaking in new experiences. Wait for the right person—for that spark. Don’t sacrifice any of your wants and needs. Stay true to your highest ideals. Don’t settle for just anyone, as lovely as they may be.

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Your Card: Two of Pentacles

To manifest your dream person, you’re going to have to start embracing the unknown. Walk into the exciting terrain of the unexpected, Pisces. You’re a huge romantic, and often attach your fantasy of love to the wrong person. Put yourself out there, meet different people, be playful, and detach yourself from expectations. Once you stop obsessing over “the one,” they will surprise you and walk into your life. It’s also important that you learn to establish and enforce clear boundaries.

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