How This Week’s Beaver Moon Will Affect You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

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On November 27th, the Full Moon in Gemini is making its way into our lives, giving us closure where we need it most.

As Sagittarius season moves into full swing, we feel more open-minded and adventurous. The Full Moon is linked to ending a chapter or gaining powerful insight and revelations that could change things for us. In Gemini, the mutable sign ruling communication technology and travel, we could find that the holiday season has some interesting things in store that are worth paying attention to.

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Check out the signs below (Sun and Rising) to see how the Full Moon in Gemini will affect each zodiac sign.


The Full Moon is showing up in your 3rd House of Communication and Local Community, and it could be time to get some things off your chest. Whether it’s some new launch plans for a new project/venture or needing to clear the air with some close friends (or even siblings), this transit is here to boost your confidence and help you say what needs to be said. It isn’t always easy, especially knowing the responses could be mixed, but you need to take that step.

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This Full Moon is lighting up your 2nd House of Income and Values and could result in some closure and answers to some financial matters that have been up in the air. It could result in some extra income or a new job opportunity, but pay attention to your spending habits. It’s possible that you could come across some new habits that could save money in the long run, so double-check where your money is going.

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The power is in your hands, Gemini, so step into it! This Full Moon is appearing in your 1st House of Self and Identity and will illuminate an important moment that could be the reassurance you’ve needed to keep moving forward in your chosen path. This could feel like a “new you” moment, and you may even make a style change to commemorate it. This is an exciting moment for you, so take time to bask in it.

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If you’ve been feeling drained lately, this Full Moon encourages you to rest, Cancer. As it shines in your 12th House of Subconscious and Secrets, you could use the recharge and give yourself the benefit of the doubt regarding your intuition. Taking time to care for yourself mentally and physically is the best thing you can do for yourself right now.

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With the Full Moon in your 11th House of Friends and Networking, you’ll realize now more than ever that you get by with a little help from your friends, Leo. Connecting and checking in with your friend group will be great timing because people want to be in your company. If you need a little validation or support from your group, ask for it—they’ll be willing to give it, but only if you let what you want be known.

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You could finally be getting some recognition at work, Virgo. With the Full Moon in your 10th House of Career and Public Image, your hard work and progress will hold the spotlight and could result in a new position or project if things align. This could also bring to your attention whether it’s time to move on from this role and look for another one—it’s worth paying attention to your work environment during this time.

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It’s time to explore something new, Libra! With the Full Moon in your 9th House of Travel, Higher Education, and Philosophy, you may gain some clarity regarding a new path you want to take. This could involve traveling or learning a new skill or interest, but whatever you choose will likely bring you closer to knowing yourself better, so take the chance.

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Things are getting deep during this Full Moon, Scorpio. As it illuminates your 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Resources, you could be feeling vulnerable as your deeper desires come to the surface so you can engage with them. You may desire to be closer to a partner or have the magnetism to attract someone new. Additionally, this could shine a light on some shared resources or result in some extra income your way from another person—it’s good to be aware of how others impact your well-being.

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You’ve got partnerships on the brain, Sagittarius. With the Full Moon in your 7th House of Partnerships, you’re figuring out how to take things to the next level. If you’re single, you may feel the urge to put yourself out there, which could result in meeting someone new. If you’re partnered, you may be thinking of how to commit more fully, whether by moving in, getting engaged, or being more transparent about your future. If you’re willing to lay your cards on the table, you may be pleasantly surprised by the outcome.

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Your routines are getting some attention during this Full Moon, Capricorn. As the lunar event highlights your 6th House of Habits, Routines, and Wellness, you could experience a healthy dose of responsibility that has you reassessing your current work tendencies. Maybe it’s good to make a more accessible schedule or learn to pace yourself rather than burn the candle at both ends. When you make some changes, you’ll be relieved—the productivity will follow.

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Are you feeling the creative energy, Aquarius? The Full Moon in Gemini in your 5th House of Creativity and Pleasure may have you experiencing new ideas and fresh inspiration for creative projects. You could also have a meet-cute moment with a new crush or a rom-com “they were right here the whole time!” experience as the moon lights up some unexpected revelations. If you’re in a relationship, you may see your partner in a new light—one that’s worth exploring further. Just lean into the excitement, and don’t hold yourself back!

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Home is calling for you, Pisces. As the Full Moon shows up in your 4th House of Home and Roots, you could feel the push to stay in and handle domestic matters—it could be time to break out those holiday decorations if you haven’t already! If a family issue comes to your attention, it’s worth handling while you have some clarity—letting it sit too long could result in some grudges being held down the line, so try to keep the lines of communication open.

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