Prepare yourselves; the script for reality is in your hands! February 27th, the New Moon in Pisces, is about more than just making plans: Stop second-guessing yourself and go for the seemingly impossible!
The reason is, that this lunation will feel even more otherworldly than usual due to a rare alignment of Pisces planets, which includes Mercury, the Sun, the Moon, Saturn, and the North Node. It will be like Alice in Wonderland. The veil between dreaming and waking life is being drawn aside by this New Moon, which is like a portal to another dimension. This New Moon provides the perfect opportunity for a getaway, so who needs a holiday anyway?
Because of the abundance of planets in the water sign of Pisces, the energy will move with ease and harmony. Particularly active on Mercury’s part are connections to Saturn, which will bring stability (to the extent that Pisces permits!), and Uranus, which will bring insights from beyond Earth. Your soul’s journey is intricately connected to heavenly knowledge and holy bond, as the North Node stays conjunct with Neptune, ruler of Pisces.
Embrace the boundless potential of this New Moon: With the alignment of the planets, you can combine ethereal inspiration with realistic motivation, empowering you to establish objectives, move forward, and connect with your soul’s mission. Now is the time to connect with your spiritual side, accept what is unknown, and let the Universe work its magic, as Pisces energy effortlessly eliminates barriers.
Caution: Always have tissues on hand! A whirlwind of emotions, including psychic awareness, empathy, and compassion, can be unleashed by Pisces energy. Pisces is a water sign, therefore it’s okay to cry if you want to. As well as being deeply cathartic, it will be cleansing and therapeutic.
This Month’s Celestial VIPs
Every zodiac sign is invited to welcome the New Moon’s enchantment and possibilities, but those born under the following signs will experience the most significant change:
The cosmos is bestowing upon you the means to pen the next chapter of your dream life, and your fantasies are coming to life. This is an opportunity for a cosmic rebirth, to find your soul’s mission. Believe in the power of purpose setting to bring your wildest desires to fruition, and set your sights on your soulmate.
Your relationships are about to undergo a metamorphosis as long-buried secrets emerge. Set your sights on connections that are on par with a soulmate’s, and release what is no longer in harmony. Now is your opportunity to draw into your life connections that are based on genuine spiritual resonance, profound trust, and profound depth.
You need to seize the opportunity that the universe is throwing your way in terms of your career. This madness encourages you to imagine possibilities beyond your wildest imagination, whether it’s a change in employment, a chance to express your creativity or a daring leap in your professional trajectory.
This New Moon presents an opportunity to transform your house into a haven that accurately represents who you are, whether that’s through a physical relocation, a change in family dynamics, or a discovery of an inner sense of belonging.
You have extraordinary intuition! Your lifelong ambition has been languishing on the back burner, but now is the time to unleash your power and make it a priority. Never question the wisdom of your gut feelings; instead, follow them blindly.
Final Thoughts
You have the opportunity to bring your wildest dreams to life with the arrival of the New Moon in Pisces. What does it mean? Have faith in the enchantment, listen to your gut, and go for it. Because energy is at its best when it is connected to a greater good, it is more probable that intentions based on compassion and Universal love will come to fruition than those based on selfishness.
A word of advice: February 27th at 7:44 PM EST is too early to make intentions! Although you have two weeks to bring your ideas to fruition before the Full Moon, they will have an extra-cosmic boost if you do it as near to the New Moon as feasible.