LIBRA (9/23 – 10/22)
This month, Libra must draw a line in the sand. The days of people pleasing and juggling opposing needs come to an end, and they will be forced to choose between the object of their affection and long-standing loyalties. It’s that do-or-die moment where the validity of their words will be tested. It’s one thing to tell someone they’re your number one priority, but proving it when you’ve been thrown into the hot seat is another.
SCORPIO (10/23 – 11/21)
Scorpios become bored with their playthings and need a new source of stimulation. Many a fly lies caught in their web, but there’s just no appetite for whatever’s available. They need to stop wasting time on the people who are just not doing it for them and focus on themselves or getting out there and meeting new people. The only way to shake things up is to deviate from the routine.
SAGITTARIUS (11/22 – 12/21)
Sagittarius is on a high this month. Things are going smoothly with a special someone and the roadblocks and challenges of yesterday are so far back in the rearview they’re no longer visible. When things start to feel too good to be true, remember all the work you did to get here. Nothing is by accident or by chance. You built the relationship and now you deserve to enjoy it.
CAPRICORN (12/22 – 1/19)
Capricorn needs to revisit their priorities this month and figure out where love fits into the mix. Finances and careers have always come first, but there’s never been a cut-off or a threshold set in stone. When is enough? What is enough? Where is that fine line where more work takes away from your quality of life instead of adding to it? At what point are you so absorbed in getting ahead that you don’t have time to share that ambition with another person?
AQUARIUS (1/20 – 2/18)
Empathetic Aquarius is always willing to tune into the plights of others, but this month they are challenged to take that allyship a bit further when it comes to their partner. It’s an opportunity for them to learn the difference between watching something take place from afar and experiencing it second-hand with a front-row view. There will be no rationalizing logically from a distance in this scenario or the opportunity to look away.
PISCES (2/19 – 3/20)
Pisces is just minding their own little Pisces business in Pisces World this October when someone unexpectedly comes knocking at the door expressing interest in who they are and what they’re doing, catching them totally off guard. It’s easy for Pisces to forget there’s a whole planet full of other people out there, and this month is the time for them to take a chance on the possibility that what someone else has to offer is worthwhile and worth their time.
ARIES (3/21 – 4/19)
Aries is going to open their big mouth this month for love. Someone is causing their loved one trouble, and Aries takes it upon themselves to intervene on their behalf, Tony Soprano style. The methods are questionable, the actions well-intended, but at the end of the day, it’s about learning to communicate and respecting a partner’s wishes. Choosing what’s best for someone else is never actually in their best interest.
TAURUS (4/20 – 5/20)
Taurus feels the need to overcompensate in love this month. If they’ve been single too long, they go overboard booking back-to-back first dates with a handful of people. If they haven’t been as attentive to their partner, they swipe their credit card at the bar, the spa, and the restaurant hoping it will set things right. They need to see that love can never be forced. They can’t plow their way through every problem.
GEMINI (5/21 – 6/20)
Gemini gets babied this month. It’s their turn to sit back, relax, and be waited on hand and foot. Their go-go-go lifestyles leave them exhausted mentally and emotionally, and from time to time, they love to hand the reins over to a trusted partner and go into auto-pilot, knowing that someone is making sure everything runs smoothly. They will return the favor in their own Gemini way and never lack appreciation.
CANCER (6/21 – 7/22)
Cancer looks back on a previous heartbreak with a new perspective this month—possibly acknowledging for the first time just how wrecked a certain breakup left them, without any lingering visceral echoes. They can finally see the totality of their pain for what it was without suffering from it any longer. It’s become an objective truth that is far enough in the past that it no longer has any effect on them.
LEO (7/23 – 8/22)
Leo is gearing up for some quality time with their loved one this month. It’s about taking that sacred time away from the daily grind and remembering all the things that brought and kept the two of you together. A vacation, a weekend getaway, or simply a dinner reservation you’ve been looking forward to for some time comes at the perfect moment. Leo and their partner have earned that time for themselves and each other. This month has been taxing, but the bond is stronger than ever.
VIRGO (8/23 – 9/22)
Virgo pulls a Jada Pinkett Smith this month and finally admits they’ve been single for an extended amount of time without making it public to the world. Maybe they were hoping things would work themselves out. Maybe they were taking time to allow themselves to heal. Maybe they have a personal PR plan that’s more complex than any Gaylor theory you can find on TikTok. We’ll never know, but whatever chapter they were in, it’s ended, and the future is a fresh page for them to write on