How Each Zodiac Will React When You Give Them The Bare Minimum

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When you give this sign the bare minimum, they’re going to grow angry. They refuse to be treated unfairly, so they’re going to call you out or walk away completely. Either way, they aren’t going to sit there and let you walk all over them. That’s just not happening.

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When you give this sign the bare minimum, they’re going to grow resentful. After all, they are doing so much for you, so they expect you to return the favor. They expect you to give as much as you’re receiving because that’s only fair.

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When you give this sign the bare minimum, they’re going to grow frustrated. They’re going to start getting snippy with you because they aren’t happy with the way you’re treating them. They might not explain exactly what’s wrong, but it will be clear they’re fed up with you.

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When you give this sign the bare minimum, they’re going to grow self-conscious. They’re going to wonder whether they’re doing something wrong. They’re going to start blaming themselves when they should be blaming you.

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When you give this sign the bare minimum, they’re going to grow bored. They’re going to lose interest in you since you aren’t rising to their standards or delivering what they deserve. After all, they don’t want to waste their time.

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When you give this sign the bare minimum, they’re going to grow determined. They’re going to try their hardest to fix the problem, even if they aren’t sure what the problem actually is. Instead of accepting that this person isn’t right for them, they will try to make the person love them.

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When you give this sign the bare minimum, they’re going to grow tired. Being the one who cares more and tries harder is exhausting. It takes a ton out of them. Eventually, they’ll be too drained to keep trying.

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When you give this sign the bare minimum, they’re going to grow distant. They’re going to stop initiating conversations and planning dates until you start doing the same. They’re going to start giving you the breadcrumbs that you’ve been giving them.

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When you give this sign the bare minimum, they’re going to grow quiet. They aren’t going to bring up why they’re upset with you, but their silence will make it clear something is seriously wrong. And something needs to change unless you want to lose them.

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When you give this sign the bare minimum, they’re going to grow confused. They’re going to feel like you’re sending mixed signals since you’re interested enough to flirt with them and/or date them, but not enough to set aside time for them and treat them right. They simply won’t understand why you’re acting how you’re acting.

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When you give this sign the bare minimum, they’re going to grow curious. They’re going to have a million questions about what is going on with you. They will demand answers. Even if they decide to leave over this, they will want closure.

“Click Here to Find Aquarius Man Secrets You Need To Know”


When you give this sign the bare minimum, they’re going to grow upset. They’re going to feel heartbroken because you’re making it clear that you aren’t the one for them. Although they might cling onto you for a while longer, they won’t linger in this pain forever.

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