Zodiac Signs

How Each Zodiac Reacts When Their Crush Doesn’t Text Back Right Away

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When your crush doesn’t text back, you text someone else as a distraction. As a reminder that there are other people in this world who are perfectly happy to talk to you.

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When your crush doesn’t text back, you panic and wonder whether they want nothing to do with you. Whether you were only fooling yourself to think they might be interested in dating you too.

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When your crush doesn’t text back, you pretend it doesn’t bother you. You act like it’s no big deal and isn’t upsetting you in the least.

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When your crush doesn’t text back, you start to worry about them. You grow concerned that something is horribly wrong, that they are in need of help.

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When your crush doesn’t text back, you consider sending them another message. You’re not opposed to double texting because you chase after what you want.

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When your crush doesn’t text back, you regret texting them in the first place. You feel like you shouldn’t have reached out at all and start second-guessing your every move.

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When your crush doesn’t text back, you check your phone every few minutes. You keep making sure that you didn’t miss their message.

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When your crush doesn’t text back, you decide that you’re better off without them. You decide you don’t want to waste your time with anyone who isn’t willing to do the bare minimum and answer you back.

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When your crush doesn’t text back, you replay your past conversations, wondering whether you’ve done something to upset them. You overthink the situation until you’re thoroughly stressed.

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When your crush doesn’t text back, you assume that they must have a perfectly good reason. You don’t jump to conclusions because you trust that they wouldn’t hurt you on purpose.

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When your crush doesn’t text back, you swear off from love. You decide you don’t need a partner in order to be happy and you’re better off on your own anyway.

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When your crush doesn’t text back, you complain to your friends. You seek comfort from them because you know they’ll be able to cheer you up again.

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