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Virgo season, starting August 23 and ending September 22, is all about channeling the productive energy of everyone’s favorite Earth sign. Virgos are great at getting things done and reaching their goals. This season, it isn’t just the Virgos that can live their dreams. Every zodiac sign can channel that energy. Here’s how:
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Your card: Knight of Wands
All it takes is a little fearless confidence and you’ll get so much closer to reaching your goals. Fortunately for you, you’re great at being bold and going for what you want, which is such a natural Aries trait.
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Your card: 6 of Wands
If you’re having a hard time motivating yourself to reach your goals, just think about how great you’ll feel when it’s all done. That kind of pride feels like nothing else. Plus, the public recognition you’ll get from your victory is pretty sweet, too.
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Your card: 5 of Cups
Regret can be paralyzing. If you’re stuck in the failures of your past, you’ll have a difficult time moving forward. Let the past go to help you reach your goals and accept the change that comes with success.
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Your card: 9 of Swords
Anxiety is such a motivation killer for you. While others thrive on stress, you’re stalled by it. Shed the negative emotions that are holding you back and you’ll do so much better at achieving your goals.
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Your card: 5 of Swords
It won’t be smooth sailing for you this Virgo season. Conflict will arise if you’re set on reaching your goals, but that doesn’t mean you’ll fail. If you fight back and stand your ground, you’ll get there in the end.
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Your card: The Moon
This is your season! While you’re already great at getting things done, you might want to listen to your intuition when it comes to involving other people in your goals. It’s up to you to decide if you want to go it alone or get help from others.
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Your card: 2 of Wands
You’ll need to make some tough decisions this Virgo season if you want to reach your goals. Change is hard, and you might have to resist the voice in your head that wants everything to stay the same.
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Your card: King of Pentacles
Take a leadership role at work if you’re hoping to reach a career goal this Virgo season. Promotions and raises are much easier to get if you show initiative and prove to your bosses that you can handle what comes your way.
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Your card: Knight of Swords
All you need to achieve your goals this Virgo season is an action plan. Concrete steps in a to-
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Your card: 2 of Pentacles
You have a lot to get done and might have more than one goal for this Virgo season. Your enemy for reaching your goals is your time management skills. As long as you budget your time wisely, you’ll do just fine.
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Your card: Page of Wands
When you’re working toward your goals, you’re sometimes so goal-oriented that you don’t stop to enjoy the process. Embrace creativity so you don’t burn out from all that hard work.
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Your card: 4 of Cups
Be wary of apathy this Virgo season. Your ambivalence might hold you back from putting in the effort to reach your goals. It’s not the external obstacles that’ll get in your way, but your lack of drive and excitement.