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There is much to unpack today—and it could be an emotional rollercoaster.
Mercury Retrograde moves into Sagittarius this morning, December 24, 2023. Mercury started its retrograde journey in Capricorn but has now returned to Sagittarius, shifting our focus and creating more than its fair share of obstacles in our communication and travel plans.
Emotionally, we could feel scattered due to multiple planetary aspects to the Moon in Taurus. First, the Moon is Conjunct Uranus in Taurus, which adds some impulsivity and intuition to our emotional insight. This can be fruitful if we can harness it, but it takes intention.
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Additionally, the Moon in Taurus sextiles Neptune in Pisces, heightening our intuition sensitivity to those around us. We may feel more empathetic than usual but more raw and vulnerable in our connections to others.
Finally, the Moon in Taurus forms an Opposition to Venus in Scorpio, creating tension between what we want emotionally, our relationships, and our creative expression.
Check out the signs below (Sun and Rising!) to see what today has in store for you.
“Click Here to Find Aries Man Secrets You Need To Know”
You’re feeling protective of your beliefs and values today, Aries Mercury in retrograde backspins into your 9th House of Philosophy, Higher Education, and Travel, creating potential tension surrounding what you believe in and how you want to explore the world around you, particularly involving conversations. Additionally, The Moon is Conjunct Uranus in your 2nd House of Values and Income and is sextiling Neptune in your 12th House of Subconscious and Isolation, pushing you to emotionally retreat due to overwhelming energy and necessary introspection regarding what is deeply important to you. The conflicting inner thoughts and feelings make you want to be alone, yet with the Moon also opposing Venus in your 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Resources, you are craving closeness with those with whom you share deep, intimate ties. You want closeness and affection, yet if your partner or loved one isn’t seeing eye to eye with you, it can make you feel more vulnerable than usual. Be gentle with yourself—it’s easy to let our anxieties get the best of us if we aren’t careful.
“Click Here to Find Taurus Man Secrets You Need To Know”
Your relationships, friendships, and personal connections are heavy on your mind and heart today, Taurus. Mercury in retrograde backspins into your 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Resources, which may bring up some communication mishaps regarding the boundaries you’ve set for your mental health. This only heightens due to the Moon Conjunct Uranus in your 1st House of Self and Identity and sextile Neptune in your 11th House of Friendships and Networking. You feel more intuitive to other’s emotions, for better or worse, and it can make you doubt yourself in terms of what is best for you—know that there is more to the story than what you’re feeling today, so don’t allow this anxiety to cause you to backtrack. The Moon is also opposing Venus in your 7th House of Partnerships, putting you in an inner conflict of desiring closeness and connection with your loved ones while also trying to maintain your autonomy. It’s not wrong to stand your ground—and in time, the people who deeply love you will understand this.
“Click Here to Find Gemini Man Secrets You Need To Know”
Who you surround yourself with and how you handle stress have their consequences today, Gemini. Your ruling planet, Mercury in retrograde, backspins into your 7th House of Partnerships, which may involve some misunderstandings between you and partners of all types—including friends or business. Getting frustrated by this is only exacerbated by the Moon Conjunct Uranus in your 12th House of Subconscious and Isolation and sextile Neptune in your 10th House of Career and Public Image. You’re picking up on all the bad vibes; on one hand, you want to retreat and avoid all the negativity. On the other, you’re feeling pushed to take care of things, especially pertaining to work or public projects. The Moon is also opposing Venus in your 6th House of Habits, Routines, and Wellness, pushing you to reevaluate your work ethic and unhealthy habits of burying your emotions under the weight of getting tasks completed. You can’t avoid the feelings forever, and if you try too hard to repress them today, it will end up messier than you’d like—so let yourself feel without making it an issue for everyone else.
“Click Here to Find Cancer Man Secrets You Need To Know”
You’re longing to live in the world of imagination today, Cancer. As Mercury in retrograde backspins into your 6th House of Habits, Routines, and Wellness, you’re struggling to get your day-to-day tasks accomplished at work or home. The harder you try to double down, the less you feel on top of things. Meanwhile, the Moon is Conjunct Uranus in your 11th House of Friendships and Networking and is sextile Neptune in your 9th House of Philosophy, Higher Education, and Travel, which has the potential to push your mind and desire to expand in the hands of your friends and their perspectives. You may look to lean into those who share your thoughts but instead come across those who shake up your point of view, and while you may feel sensitive about it, you’re more open than usual. The Moon also opposes Venus in your 5th House of Creativity and Romance, creating an inner conflict between what is good for you and what is good for everyone in the friend group. You could feel pushed to the emotional limit as you try to determine when it’s okay to invest in yourself and when you should focus on the collective but know that both parts are essential to your well-being, so brainstorming ways to do both may help ground you a little more today.
“Click Here to Find Leo Man Secrets You Need To Know”
What does your legacy look like, Leo? It’s safe to say it’s on your mind today as Mercury in retrograde backspins into your 5th House of Creativity and Romance—giving you some chaos and obscurity about the types of things you do for joy and pleasure, as well as the creative acts you work on that will outlive you. The Moon is Conjunct Uranus in your 10th House of Career and Public Image and is sextile Neptune in your 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Resources, adding an emotional and slightly erratic layer to this idea—what ways are you investing in yourself and how do they show up in your public image? You know you hold influence, but what will you make of it? The Moon also opposes Venus in your 4th House of Home and Roots, bringing some tension between your life at home and in public. You may desire a connection at home, and the strife can remind you that how the world sees you isn’t everything—so don’t get too in your head today.
“Click Here to Find Virgo Man Secrets You Need To Know”
You could feel restless today, Virgo, but don’t take it out on the people around you. Mercury in retrograde backspins into your 4th House of Home and Roots, which could bring some arguments or reexaminations of your current domestic life. You may want something different, but try to sit with this feeling before formulating a plan. The Moon is Conjunct Uranus in your 9th House of Philosophy, Higher Education, and Travel and is sextile Neptune in your 7th House of Partnerships, bringing an emotional and intuitive awareness to your desire to expand and learn out in the world—you may want to do this with a partner or friend, or you desire their approval, but you know their influence matters to you in this area. The Moon also opposes Venus in your 3rd House of Communication and Local Community, putting a heavier strain on where you are or were raised versus a desire to explore and leave your current residence to seek a higher truth or different way of living. It’s okay to want something different, but ensure you aren’t making those around you feel inadequate or small in the process—especially if their choice is to stay in their hometown or if they enjoy the place they are in.
“Click Here to Find Libra Man Secrets You Need To Know”
You’re struggling to get your point across today, Libra. As Mercury in retrograde backspins into your 3rd House of Communication and Local Community, you, more than most, may feel the frustration of being unable to say what you mean clearly—or be understood. Add in the Moon Conjunct Uranus in your 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Resources and sextile Neptune in your 6th House of Habits, Routines, and Wellness, which may leave you both hyper-sensitive to the attitudes of coworkers or clients you have contracts with. You could also struggle to really care for the work you’re doing—or take it as seriously as you usually would. The Moon is also opposing Venus in your 2nd House of Income and Values, adding an extra conflict to whether your work aligns with your values, particularly when it conflicts with those you feel close to. Know that you don’t have to figure everything out today. Take a breath and do your best—it’s going to work out.
“Click Here to Find Scorpio Man Secrets You Need To Know”
The struggle between your passions, your livelihood, and its effects on your relationships is a big thing to contemplate today, Scorpio. Mercury in retrograde backspins into your 2nd House of Income and Values, which could cause some mishaps in terms of how much money you think you have saved vs. what’s there—and it’s stressing you out. Additionally, the Moon is Conjunct Uranus in your 7th House of Partnerships and is sextile Neptune in your 5th House of Creativity and Pleasure, bringing to light heightened emotion and intuition surrounding your creative pursuits and romance and how it applies to those you’re connected to. You want to fully let loose and shake things up, and you’re convinced your relationships can handle it—but check in before you make any assumptions, as you may not be on the same page. The Moon also opposes Venus in your 1st House of Self and Identity, creating a tug-of-war between expressing yourself and what you owe to the people you love. Know that this war may mostly be one you’ve created in your mind, but it’s important to acknowledge as it’s pulling at something deeper. You can do what’s best for you, but make sure it’s not at the expense of those who love you.
“Click Here to Find Sagittarius Man Secrets You Need To Know”
You’re spending time contemplating who you are today, Sagittarius. Mercury in retrograde backspins into your 1st House of Self and Identity, which shakes your confidence and makes you feel more sensitive than normal. The Moon is Conjunct Uranus in your 6th House of Habits, Routines, and Wellness and is sextile Neptune in your 4th House of Home and Roots, bringing more emotional weight to your childhood and how it relates to the way you go about your daily life these days. The effects of your younger years (and even your present ones) on your physical health and worth ethic may feel more important to examine as you’re trying to determine who you are. The Moon also opposes Venus in your 12th House of Subconscious and Isolation, pushing you to sit with how you care for your mental health and how intently you listen to your intuition when trying to get through to you. You know who you are, even if things feel messy today. It’s all coming together.
“Click Here to Find Capricorn Man Secrets You Need To Know”
You’re feeling a bit disconnected today, Capricorn. Mercury in retrograde backspins into your 12th House of Subconscious and Isolation, pushing you towards a desire for alone time and introspection, particularly in harboring guilt for doing things you feel are best for you. The Moon is Conjunct Uranus in your 5th House of Creativity and Pleasure and is sextile Neptune in your 3rd House of Communication and Local Community, shaking up how you view pleasure and experience joy. You may struggle to accept that you’re allowed to indulge in what makes you happy, just like anyone else—and you may feel more impulsive about pursuing that joy at all costs. The Moon also opposes Venus in your 11th House of Friendships and Networking, putting a strain on your desire to connect and be part of a community while also wanting to stand alone so you don’t feel you owe anyone explanations. Know that you’re allowed to let loose, but that doesn’t mean you won’t affect anyone by keeping to yourself. Silence has its impact, too,
“Click Here to Find Aquarius Man Secrets You Need To Know”
You’ve got work on the brain today, Aquarius. As Mercury in retrograde backspins into your 11th House of Friendships and Networking, you could feel out of place in terms of where you fit in amongst your social circles. You could also struggle to connect with the people you’ve had your eye on in a business sense—your foot in your mouth when talking about your new ideas may feel more embarrassing to you than it was. The Moon is Conjunct Uranus in your 4th House of Home and Roots and is sextile Neptune in your 2nd House of Income and Values, putting some emotional intensity behind finances and your home life. You may struggle to feel you can’t escape the circumstances you experienced growing up, or you may be trying so hard to create a great life you’re losing sight of the values and family life you hold close. The Moon also opposes Venus in your 10th House of Career and Public Image, adding a bigger pull between your work and home life. It’s okay to want to get ahead in life, but to focus on your family and loved ones this close to the holidays—they could mistake your ambition for having the wrong priorities.
“Click Here to Find Pisces Man Secrets You Need To Know”
You’re allowed to want more out of life, but don’t lose sight of what you have today, Pisces. Mercury in retrograde backspins into your 10th House of Career and Public Image, which could provide opportunities for miscommunication regarding work or public displays—maybe a deadline you forgot about has just been brought to your attention, or an old social media post is making the rounds that you’d rather forget about. The Moon is Conjunct Uranus in your 3rd House of Communication and Community and is sextile Neptune in your 1st House of Self and Identity; you are feeling deeply emotional about who you are and how your current environment affects your self-expression—for better for worse, you’re wanting to act impulsively to prove you’re not the same person you were or the same as anyone else in your hometown. The Moon is also opposing Venus in your 9th House of Philosophy, Higher Education, and Travel., which may put a bigger emphasis on wanting to grow, learn, and evolve, and it could impact your relationships if they feel you’re trying to appear superior. You don’t have to voice how much you dislike where you live or how much happier you’d be elsewhere—those feelings are valid but may be taken the wrong way if you’re too vocal about them.