Long-term relationships are not necessary for every meaningful romance. In fact, some people appear to prefer short-lived romantic relationships with their significant others, treating each one with fervor, emotion, and unflinching commitment. Some zodiac signs thrive on short-lived (but memorable) romantic relationships, while others may prefer a more committed partnership with clear plans for the future.
You are prone to daydreaming, sitting lazily in your living room, happily planning out your next adventure. You always find something new to discover, someone new to meet, or something new to do that is worth your time—all of which are what make life worthwhile in the first place. Your romances are usually incredibly intense, with your previous partners living all over the world, and you approach love with the same vigor as the idea of travel and the great outdoors. Even though these previous relationships have been significant, your constantly busy lifestyle keeps you from establishing a stable relationship and frequently causes you to leave when things start to get serious.
You have a somewhat conflicted attitude on committed partnerships; one minute you have a romanticized vision of love, the next you are deeply skeptical of monogamy. You want to settle down with someone, but you’re unable to do so because you’re terrified that they’ll leave you one day and ruin the stable relationship you’ve worked so hard to build. As a result, the initial underpinnings of your love pursuits typically have a blazing intensity that gradually wanes as you voice increasing concerns about the stability of the connection.
You have a tendency to see the world almost theatrically, playing whatever part is needed in a given circumstance. You take each role seriously, blending into the role you were intended to play—whether it’s that of the devoted lover, the busy office worker, or the encouraging best friend. You attempt to position yourself as the ideal romantic partner in partnerships by enticing your significant others with your seductive flirtations and captivating charisma. You revel in the uncertainty and excitement that accompany the initial few months of an intimate fling, romanticizing the start of a relationship and preferring the “honeymoon phase” of a romantic experience.
Pisces has one of the most refined perspectives on love of any sign. With many of your imagined romances seeming like they belong in a Jane Austen or Nicholas Sparks book, your fantasies of the perfect relationship aren’t limited to the boundaries of reality like those of most other people. You throw yourself after these doomed romances, relishing every day with your partner as if you’ll never see them again, while others may avoid relationships they believe are going to fail. Pisces make the most of every moment they spend with their partner and never fail to demonstrate their intense romantic feelings, infusing their relationships with a wide spectrum of emotions.