What Every Sign Hates Of Himself

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Most people love their personality, they believe they are unique and so it is because in this world no two personalities are alike. They believe they have the best and that they have the perfect personality to succeed in this world. But there are also things they hate about themselves. That is why here we bring you what each sign hates of itself.


Aries is a person who likes adventure too much, being able to feel free at any time in his life. Everything he does, he does thinking that it may be the last time he does it because he never knows what can happen. Aries is a person who prefers to live in the present instead of going around what might happen. That is why Aries is one of the most impulsive people in this world.

Aries is not afraid of anything and that sometimes worries him because not being afraid can sometimes be dangerous. That is what Aries hates about himself, not being able to stop for two minutes, relax and think that life is sometimes better to take it easy. But it is impossible for Aries to slow down and relax, it will always be that way.

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Taurus is a person who always has his feet on the ground, you will rarely see him wandering around. He has things clear and will not let anything or anyone eat his head. He knows that he has to live in the present, but he also has to think about his future, because it is the only way to get everything he proposes. He doesnt understand how people can live without thinking about what might happen to them, that doesnt go too much with him/her.

But Taurus doesnt stop thinking about the past either and that is something he hates about himself. He knows that he has to leave the past behind that all he has to take into account is that he has learned a lot. But he cant stop thinking about how things would have been if he had behaved differently and that haunts him.

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Gemini has the reputation of being a very changing person, a person who is not too clear. But, quite the opposite, Gemini is a sincere person, the only thing that gives that feeling because he is able to adapt to any situation and that very few people are able to do it. Gemini knows how to adapt and wants to do it because he knows that this is the only way to be happy. He knows that if he doesnt adapt, he wont stop turning his crazy head around.

But Gemini has one thing he hates about himself, and he can love you and in five minutes hate you. It is something that he has inside and is that he does not understand how it can happen from one extreme to another, but if you do something that really hurts him no matter how much he loves you it will not be the same again.

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Cancer is a very expressive person, it is impossible for him not to express everything he feels because he feels it with a lot of intensity. If Cancer will save all your feelings we could get to see the end of the world. But Cancer is a very sensitive person and everything he does is accompanied by a supernatural sensibility. It is true that Cancer often takes things personally and makes unnecessary dramas.

Cancer knows that this is the case and that there are many things to improve, but he also knows that he is not the only person who has things to do. But there is one thing Cancer hates about itself, and it is that it cares too much about what others think about him/her. He knows that he should live his life without caring about anything, but sometimes it is impossible.

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Leo is a person who loves himself. You will never need anyone to know that you are a unique person and that it is worth a lot. Many people have a little mania for Leo for this, but Leo is clear about one thing, it does not hurt anyone and there is nothing better in this world than to love oneself. Leo has unusual security, he will never doubt what he does because he knows that everything he touches ends up shining.

But there is one thing Leo hates about himself and that many people end up getting on his nerves. Leo hates losing the papers, but many times he cant with the mentality of people and he has to jump. Leo knows that he has to control himself and not lose his temper for someone who doesnt deserve his attention.

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Virgo is a person who likes to have everything under control. He will always be aware of everything, he does not like surprises, he is a person who likes everything to be organized perfectly. Sometimes Virgo may seem like a pretty cold person, but he is analyzing everything that happens around him and he has no time to show what he feels. Virgo is an intelligent person and loves that others know.

There is one thing that Virgo hates about himself and that any inconvenience can ruin his day. He takes things so seriously, that as there is something that gets in his plans, there is no one who can take away his bad mood. Virgo knows it and knows that he has to start controlling that, but it is impossible.

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Libra is a person who loves balance in all aspects. He needs everyone to be in perfect balance, the funny thing is that most of the time it is Libra who is not balanced. But Libra loves to see how everyone is happy and that something appears that eliminates that balance and that happiness puts him in a very bad mood. Libra is a pacifist person and knows that in his life there is no room for conflict.

But there is one thing that Libra hates about himself/herself, and sometimes emotional things affect him too much, especially those things that go unnoticed by others. Libra is always analyzing everything that happens around him and any minimal detail that affects his emotions hates him. He cant stand being that way, but he knows its very complicated to change.

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Scorpio is a very mysterious person, it can be a person that you love with all your strength or that you hate to rage. Scorpio knows that he is a very intense person and that everything that happens to him assimilates him with too much emphasis. Scorpio can be quite distant, but that is due to all the damage they have done to him throughout his life. Scorpio is tired of having to open his heart to everyone who passes.

If there is one thing I hate about Scorpio, it is sometimes impossible for someone to really care. He hates that people who try to love him and take care of him do not have enough importance for him/her, because he knows that sooner or later they will end up getting tired. Scorpio knows that this is something irrational, but that is Scorpio.

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Sagittarius is a very intelligent and very optimistic person. He will always be in a good mood and if he isnt, he wont let you see him. Know that the world is much better with a smile, so much as this downturn will always have a smile for you. Sagittarius is an independent person who likes to be on an ongoing adventure, so he will always seek to interact with people who accompany him on that adventure.

But there is one thing that Sagittarius hates of himself and is that he always ends up placing all his trust in the wrong person. He believes that everyone is a good person and is not like that. Sagittarius will never learn that you have to walk with lead feet and be very careful with whom to trust. Sagittarius prefers to give a chance and then already if that takes the click.

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Capricorn is a person with a strong temper, who usually knows how to control very well. Capricorn is very focused on his professional career and that everything goes well. He has no need to be suffering hardships, so he does everything possible to have a stable life. Normally he struggles to get everything he proposes.

There is one thing that Capricorn hates about itself and that sometimes it is impossible for him to control his temper. There are people who know how to light Capricorn very well, know their weaknesses and it is something that Capricorn does not support. He cant stand letting others know so much about him/her and more when they are people that all they want is to hurt him.

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Aquarius is an independent person, is a free soul. Aquarius is one of those people who lives his life in his own way, without being aware of what others do. He knows that to be happy he has to be like that, he is a very special person and that many people fail to understand. That is why Aquarius most of the time feels a weirdo in this society.

There is one thing that Aquarius does not support himself and is that most of the time he feels uncomfortable. Aquarius does not support to stop thinking that he does not belong to this world and this all he does is that he does not enjoy life all he has to do. Aquarius knows that he has to follow his philosophy of life, but sometimes it is impossible.

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Pisces is a person who likes to be constantly dreaming, that is, imagining his perfect life. He knows that it is almost impossible to have her, so he dreams of her, at least that way he is closer. Pisces is a very sensitive person, one of those who feel everything in a very intense way. He is a very enamored person, he loves love and that feeling of being in the clouds next to the person he loves.

But there is one thing that Pisces hates about himself and that he always ends up falling in love with the wrong person. Pisces knows that at some point the right person will arrive, but it is very difficult to find her. Every love he knows believes that person is so special and lives it in such a way that he gives everything for that person. And that is what Pisces hates that gives everything for people who really dont deserve it.

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