The term “blood moon” evokes some naturally frightening ideas whenever you hear it. Blood moons are somewhat typical events that occur during total lunar eclipses, despite being mentioned multiple times in the Bible, from the apocalyptic violence of the Book of Revelation to the prophetic poetry in the Book of Joel.
The impending total lunar eclipse is more likely to portend endings than beginnings because it will occur around 23° Virgo on March 14 at 2:59 AM EST, which is extremely close to the South Node.
Since the North Node in Pisces represents our shared need for faith, the universe is on your side if there is a part of your life that you are determined to put to rest during this eclipse season. This is especially true if you need to commit to something that requires surrender. There is nothing more illuminating than closure. The fact that 29° Neptune, the contemporary ruler of Pisces, is positioned close by emphasizes this even more.
The details are crucial, and you’ve likely been too preoccupied with making everything seem flawless to see the big picture. Now is the moment to let our love and artistic lives be more honest.
It is debatable if this red moon is a terrible omen. You don’t have to be an astrologer to forecast that it will be an important timekeeper for some major geopolitical events.
Particularly those with placements in the latter degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, the four mutable signs will be the ones most affected personally.
The eclipse will strike an important house in your natal chart if you have any of the following rising signs. This may cause you to become unstable, but it will also gallow youto let go of something you’ve been holding onto. Even while eclipses are typically somewhat chaotic events, one of their positive impacts is that it’s better to recognize where you’ve gone wrong so you may course-correct.
Your home and family circumstances are going to drastically shift as the eclipse passes through your fourth house. While some of you will be caught off guard by the news that they must move, others are already in the process of purchasing or selling a new residence. Since Mercury, the eclipse’s rule, is in your natal first and fourth houses, the significant changes in your family are likely to have an impact on your identity and physical appearance as well. Whether it’s bringing a new baby into the world or injuring your back-moving boxes into your new apartment, you will experience physical and mental stress if you don’t make time for adequate self-care.
You are the focus of this eclipse, which will highlight and dramatize your first house. Today that you’ve mastered autonomous work, it’s time to let others into your life. You have more chances to succeed today if you choose to surround yourself with romantic and creative partners who share your values and ideals. In addition to being personally satisfying (albeit irritating if you’re not used to making concessions), this will present you with the chance to further your profession. This is because Mercury, the eclipse’s ruler, is in charge of your natal first and tenth houses, which are the two most significant houses in terms of legacy and professional reputation. Are you scared to start dating someone new? You two could become a powerful power couple if you take a chance.
At precisely the wrong moment, you will become overly preoccupied with your work and social status when the eclipse passes through your tenth house. If you have a family at home that depends on you for emotional support, you will realize that you need to prioritize relaxation and self-care before working harder. This is more essential now than changing the world or making money. Your closest relationships will probably affect your choice because Mercury, the eclipse’s ruler, is in charge of your natal seventh and tenth houses. Those you trust will give you a haven to return to, so pay attention to their advice. They know what’s best for you. While some of you will suddenly realize that you need to take a leave of absence, others will have marital or family issues that demand your immediate attention.
Your seventh house is being overpowered by this eclipse, which will reveal things about your attachments and relationships. This may be a sign of impending grief, but it’s not always the case; it might also be a sign of engagement or marriage. In any case, this time will make you reevaluate your worth outside of your relationships and attempt to do more things by yourself. Your living situation may also change if Mercury, the eclipse ruler, is in your natal fourth and seventh houses. Married couples who move in together will need to learn how to get along once the honeymoon period ends and life’s daily obstacles become more complicated.