Does Your Zodiac Sign Prefer Love Or Money?

If a magical fairy godmother offered you millions of dollars, enough money that you could live in luxury and never have to work again, OR the love of your life, the soulmate of your dreams, which one would you choose? For most people, this question is a no-brainer, and they have an automatic response. But the answers vary, depending on your zodiac. So, which would your star sign choose: money or love? Based on your astrological traits, here’s what you’re likely to pick.

Aries: Love

Aries is a fire sign guided by Mars, the planet of passion. Aries people are intense and energetic about everything, including love and relationships. They fall fast and hard, and once they find the person of their dreams, they will remain loyal forever. Aries people aren’t particularly concerned with money; although they enjoy the competitive aspects of work and moving up the corporate ladder, they have balanced lives with plenty of friends and hobbies. They work to live, not live to work. They’d be much happier with the love of their life and enough money to get by than a huge, empty mansion.

Taurus: Money

This one is a close call: while many Tauruses would choose love, more of them would take the money if offered. Ruled by Venus, the planet of love AND money, both things are important to Taurus people. But, as an earth sign, they also crave financial stability and security, which just barely wins out over finding the partner of their dreams. They believe that while people can be inconsistent, money will never let them down. They also adore luxury and would embrace the opportunity to relish in the opulence they’ve always desired. They’d sacrifice finding their soulmate if it means wealth and comfort for the rest of their lives, especially if they can bring their friends and family along for the ride.

Gemini: Love

As the sign of the twins, Gemini is always looking for their other half. They work hard and appreciate money, but they cherish love and relationships more. For them, love or money is an easy choice. It’s difficult to find a partner who satisfies all their needs, since they have such complex and multifaceted personalities. Having their soulmate delivered to them is much more valuable than any riches.

Cancer: Love

Cancer is one of the most loving, gentle signs of the zodiac. They would choose love over money in a heartbeat, without thinking twice. Although they crave comfort and stability, they would rather find those things in a partner than in worldly riches. Cancers desperately wish to find their soulmate and build a life together, so having their love brought to them by magic would be the ultimate dream come true.

Leo: Love

Leo rules the heart, which means that this zodiac sign is extremely passionate and generous. They would rather give all their money away to those who need it than hoard wealth. To them, riches are meaningless if they don’t have a partner to share them with. Leos would easily choose love over money because they value romance and connection over financial abundance.

Virgo: Money

As an earth sign, Virgos are very practical and crave stability. They want love, but it’s not as important to them as being able to support themselves. They also have high expectations when it comes to a romantic partner, and they would rather be alone than settle for someone who doesn’t meet their standards. As a believer in the expression, “If you want something right, you have to do it yourself,” they’d prefer to choose their own partner than leave it up to magic or fate.

Libra: Love

Like Taurus, Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and money. But, unlike Taurus, Libra is an air sign, which means they are outgoing and social. While money is important to them, romance is just a little more valuable. Libras are so charming and agreeable that they can easily find a suitable partner on their own, but having their perfect love given to them would be a fantasy brought to life.

Scorpio: Love

Although Scorpios are highly ambitious and yearn for financial security, there’s no question that they would choose love over money. Scorpio rules the eighth house of the zodiac, which is the house of merging, sex, and intimacy. There’s nothing this star sign wants more than to find their soulmate and build a life together. Having their ideal partner magically appear would accomplish their ultimate goal.

Sagittarius: Money

Unlike most zodiacs, Sagittarians aren’t particularly concerned with love or money. They crave entertainment and excitement, and they really just want to have fun. Although they value their friendships and family, romantic love isn’t as important to them as living an adventurous life. As the sign of the traveler, they’d rather have enough money to see the world and take their dear ones on glamorous vacations than settle down with a partner.

Capricorn: Money

As one of the most ambitious and goal-oriented signs of the zodiac, there’s no question that Capricorns would choose money over love. They are extremely hard workers who are always trying to achieve financial stability and prove their success. Having endless wealth means they could focus their energy on pleasurable pursuits and finding the love of their life, things they don’t usually make time for because they are so obsessed with their careers.

Aquarius: Money

Although Aquarians care deeply about society and their friends, they do not need romantic love to be happy. In fact, most Aquarians are loners who thrive while single. If offered endless riches, they would immediately consider not only how much it would improve their own lives, but also how much they could afford to give away to others. To this logical zodiac, romance is simply not appealing enough to outweigh the benefits of wealth.

Pisces: Love

The final sign of the zodiac, Pisces, is the most in touch with the spiritual realm. This star sign is far more interested in feelings and abstract ideas than any earthly pursuit. And, as a water sign, they are also sentimental and emotional. Love, art, and spiritual connection are of the utmost importance to them, and financial wealth cannot compete.

Does Your Zodiac Sign Prefer Love Or Money?
Does Your Zodiac Sign Prefer Love Or Money?





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