Let’s just say that the upcoming year 2025 has no shortage of major moments. The year kicks off with a Mars retrograde in Leo and Cancer (which started on December 6th) that may leave us feeling drained energetically but does give us time to reflect and prepare once Mars starts moving forward again on February 23rd. We all experience a few retrogrades: Venus in Aries and Pisces will shake up our relationships and how we experience them. Mercury retrograde in the fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) will bring its patented brand of chaos, with a chance to reflect on where we can improve. Pluto in Aquarius will also move into retrograde, allowing us to reflect on Pluto’s journey in the air sign so far.
Additionally, we also have a few eclipses to look forward to. A Solar Eclipse in Aries on March 29th will end the Aries/Libra axis, the eclipses we experienced in 2024. Now, it’s Virgo and Pisces time to shine! March 14th, a lunar eclipse in Virgo, has us looking to the future and figuring out what’s next. A lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 7th will gear us toward romanticism, so we should be careful not to get lost in the daydream. A partial solar eclipse in Virgo on September 21st gives us a chance to rewrite the narratives we (and others) have created for us—it’s time for a change.
Naturally, this will be a big year, but what does that mean for your sign? Check your zodiac sign below (Rising and Sun) to see what you should be excited about going into 2025!
It’s your time to level up and get down to business, Aries. Your romantic relationships and approaches to them undergo evaluation with Venus retrograde in your sign, allowing you to reflect on what could improve rather than rushing headfirst into something not good for you. Saturn moves into your sign this year, and it’s time to step up and start taking charge of your life. While Saturn’s transit will last for 3 years and have challenging moments, know that this is the wake-up call that will push you to find your footing instead of wandering. You’re not afraid of a challenge, so embrace what’s next with an open mind and heart.
You’re leaning into what makes you happy this year, Taurus. You’re exploring your passions with a new zeal with the Virgo lunar eclipse, fueling the fire of pursuing what excites you and how you express yourself. As Uranus leaves your sign and moves into Gemini this year, make space for new things to come your way, even when they are unexpected. You may find that expanding your mind and heart will be more beneficial than you realize.
You’re shaking things up this year, Gemini. As Jupiter shifts from your sign into Cancer in the middle of the year, you’ll embrace confidence in who you are, your abilities, and new ways to earn income. You have hidden talents waiting to be exposed, so be open to trying something new! Additionally, as Saturn moves into Aries, you’re getting serious about your friendships. You know how important it is to have people you can trust in your life, but now you’re reflecting on what that looks like for you—and whether your current friend groups reflect those qualities. When Uranus moves into your sign, expect plenty of exciting changes surrounding your identity and how you present yourself to the world.
It’s a confidence-boosting year, Cancer. You’re getting serious about your career, and it’s time to fully commit to a direction. As Saturn moves into your career house, it’s time to buckle down and get to work—you’ll feel the weight of responsibility, but you are more than capable of handling it. You’ll also have opportunities to express yourself with Jupiter moving into your sign. You may change your style or bask in the glow of Jupiter’s good fortune, but you feel more in command of your place in the world than usual.
It’s a cosmic reset this year, Leo. Things may be feeling heavy, but it’s time to stop doubting yourself and open yourself to new opportunities. You’ll feel more protective of your beliefs and feelings when Saturn moves into Aries, but truthfully, this is a time to figure out what is important to you. Jupiter’s move into Cancer bolsters your spiritual sector, allowing you to bask in the glow of not needing everyone else’s approval. You may be leaning more into reflecting and feeling more connected to your inner self than you’ve experienced in a long time.
Things are changing, Virgo, but you’re ready for it. You want to dive deeper into your relationships, but be careful not to become too disillusioned to not see the connections for what they are. You are opening your heart in new ways, but Saturn is reminding you to set boundaries and maintain them—relationships that walk all over you aren’t the fairytale you think they are. Additionally, personal growth is on the horizon with the Virgo eclipse, allowing you to step into this year with a brand new perspective on yourself and how you want to live your life. Are you ready?
Things are shifting in your relationships, Libra. Thanks to Saturn’s influence as it moves into your relationship sector, you want to build stronger foundations and have partners you can depend on. You’re not willing to open yourself up fully to something temporary, so think about what you need most and stick to your guns. You’re also using this year to learn from your past mistakes—you’re reflecting on what happened and are gathering the lessons you can glean from those moments. You know what you deserve, so don’t settle for less.
You’re growing in big ways this year, Scorpio. It’s time to stop half-doing things regarding your routines and health, and Saturn is serving the reminder with a hefty dose of tough love. Neglecting yourself and simply “allowing” things to happen to you will leave you feeling adrift, so be intentional and get things in order. You have excitement to look forward to as well, especially when it comes to expanding your mind and perspectives. You will feel more at ease when you stop making your world so small.
You’re looking to the future and who you share it with, Sagittarius. While you may not want to be tied down, you also do not want to navigate everything alone. You’re realizing how essential support and care are, so if your partners and friends aren’t meeting you there, it’s time to speak up. Be curious, not judgemental, and you’ll get much farther in finding a compromise. Your passions are also a focus, especially as Saturn moves into this area, pushing you to get serious about them. You don’t have to be perfect, but dedication to your craft can go a long way.
Your relationships are undergoing growth this year, Capricorn. You get a jump start in securing partnerships at the beginning of the year, especially after reflecting on what kind of partnerships you want in your life. Later, when Jupiter moves into this house, abundance and fortune bring fresh life into your connections or new excitement surrounding current ones. It feels easier to be yourself, and you may even decide to deepen your connections and take them to the next level—you never know what the future holds.
You’re reinventing yourself, Aquarius. Pluto retrograde in your sign will have you reassessing what parts of you are in the past and where you’re headed now. Rather than fighting the shifts, lean into them—you know you were destined to live a life that isn’t by the book. How you express yourself and experience pleasure also undergo shakeups this year, notably when Uranus moves into your creativity and romance sector. You might be surprised at what makes you come alive when you’re open to seeing things differently.
This is the year you’ll make a name for yourself, Pisces. You’ve already been working toward this goal, but the Solar Eclipse in Pisces has you shedding the last remains of an old version of you. It’s tempting to burn everything to the ground, but you’ve worked too hard—don’t doubt yourself now. You’re working toward career goals and learning the value of saving money for the future. You deserve a fresh start and a chance to show what you’re made of—take the opportunities as they come!