Date These 4 Zodiacs If You Want A Relationship With Zero Drama

“Click Here To Discover What Men Secretly Want, But They Could Never Tell You.”


Capricorn will bring a sense of consistency to your relationship like you’ve never known. You’ll never have to wonder what they are thinking, or whether they’ll grow tired of you. They are creatures of habit. They could eat the same bowl of cereal for breakfast every day, do the same workout, go through the same bedtime ritual for twenty years, and still find the same satisfaction in it. Just because it takes so little to please them doesn’t mean they get little pleasure out of life. They don’t need the lowest lows to help them feel their highest highs, so they avoid relationships that feel like rollercoasters all together. You can compare them to man’s best friend. They’ll always be happy to greet you when you come home, always ready to answer a request, and will hold onto their playful nature even in old age.


Aquarius comes with zero drama because they are the most effective communicators when it comes to love. They’ll never get caught up in the ‘will they, won’t they’ proceeding a relationship because they’re not afraid to ask for what they want. They’ll never leave anyone guessing or hoping for their attention, because they are incapable of holding back or withholding their true feelings. They’ll never make someone work for or earn their love, will never make things harder than they have to be. For Aquarius it’s not the struggle that lets them know the feelings are real, they trust their gut enough to know a good thing for a good thing. Their lack of internal conflict mirrors itself in the external relationship. They don’t create problems where there are none. They don’t go looking for fights where none are needed.


Dating a Libra is a guaranteed path to a drama free life because they will always consider your point of view. There is no power struggle because they’ll always be looking for the choices and answers that benefit you both the most. In their eyes you are a team, a unit, not competitors where only one person can come out on top. Your life together is a joint effort to find happiness and fulfillment side by side, with mutual support and encouragement. Whenever a potential conflict does arise, they won’t waste any time trying to get their own way, instead they’ll look for alternative options with the best possible outcomes. For them, there is always another way for the relationship to thrive. That optimism is the root of their strength and convictions.


Sagittarius doesn’t have time for drama because there are so many other things they look to fill their life with. Love, adventure, knowledge, understanding. They don’t want to fight when they could be having a meaningful and productive conversation with their partner. They don’t want to play games when they could be riding the high of a shared experience with someone they love. The people who want to be with them will appreciate and echo their sincerity and transparency, and it will make life so much easier for everyone involved. A Sagittarius will never leave you wanting for reassurance, they will let you know every day just how important you are to them. Their eagerness to spend time together will show you how deep their enthusiasm runs





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