Coincidence Or Karma? These 3 Zodiac Signs Experience Frequent Weird Events

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Do you ever wonder if the frequent weird events in your life are just the product of coincidences or is actually the product of karma? Karma, the great law of cause and effect, is based on the energy we put out and then what we get in return. Some signs in the zodiac experience these odd events more than most. Read on to see if your zodiac sign experiences frequent weird events:

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As an Aries, you have an uncanny ability to sense things that will happen before they even occur. This gift is important because you often experience weird events in your life. Whether these are just coincidences, deja vu, or even karma, these weird events often find you. Aries, although the most passionate and confident in the zodiac, are often impulsive and blunt. In the heat of an argument, an Aries often fails to hold back, which can create unnecessary hurt and conflict. Coincidence or karma, as an Aries, you should always be weary of these weird events. While some may be coincidences, others may be karma from losing your temper and acting on anger.

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Like Aries, Sagittarius is a fire sign, meaning that they are courageous, spirited, and spontaneous. Fire signs are more open to acting first and thinking second. Above all, fire signs aren’t afraid to make a bold stance or take a risk. As a Sagittarius, you are passionate and intense. You tell it like it is, which can sometimes lack compassion and consideration. You also notice the weird events in your life and try your best to find humor in the oddness. Given you are a fire sign, it is so important to keep your fiery instincts in check. Karma may be tempted to follow you around. It is important to sometimes think first and act second.

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Those who know or are close to a Libra realize they can be charismatic, but also have strong convictions underneath. If you are a Libra, you know this to be true. Libras represent balance and harmony in the zodiac. They aim to be fair-minded and level-headed. While they strive for balance, Libras can occasionally become judgmental. They may react or become defensive and can be blinded by their protective nature to judge a person before knowing the whole story. This judgemental energy can be detrimental to a Libra. As a Libra, you sometimes experience the aftermath of your judgemental mistakes, which may summate to weird events. Coincidence or karma, it is important to act mindfully and try to stop yourself before you quickly judge others.

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