Zodiac Signs

Can Your Zodiac Sign Handle A Long-Distance Love?

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They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder, but that’s not always the case. Do you think your relationship could survive long distance? Certain zodiacs are better at making love last, even when they are far away from their partner. Here’s whether or not you could handle a long-distance relationship, based on your zodiac sign’s astrological traits.

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Aries: No

As a fire sign, Aries people are very physical and passionate. They tend to focus on the present, so when their partner is out of sight, they are out of mind. Unless they’re head over heels in love, Aries people are prone to infidelity even in regular relationships, much less long-distance ones. They need a partner they can touch and see in person frequently, otherwise they will quickly move on to the next.

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Taurus: Yes

Earth signs like Taurus are known for being steady and reliable, especially in relationships. They are always available for their partner and are excellent at being consistent with communication. And, as a zodiac sign guided by Venus, the planet of love, Taurus people prioritize their relationships and will do anything to make them work. They’re incredibly stubborn and will cling to a long-distance romance to prove they can handle it. Although they prefer to be close to their partner, they can make a long-distance romance love, especially if there is an end date in sight.

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Gemini: Yes

Although Geminis become very attached to their partners, they also need space in a relationship. They don’t like feeling stifled or smothered, so a little distance can do them good. Geminis are always busy with their various projects, hobbies, and social groups, so they have plenty of constructive activities to keep them occupied while their lover is away. And, as a zodiac sign ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, they are great at keeping up with phone calls and other long-distance contact.

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Cancer: No

Cancers yearn for love and will do anything to make romance last, but they just can’t handle a long-distance relationship. They crave the constant companionship of their loved one, so a partner who lives far away leaves them emotionally unfulfilled and generally unsatisfied. They can make a long-distance relationship work for a short time, but if it drags on and has no end date, they will reluctantly move on and find someone new.

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Leo: No

Leos are extremely passionate, loving, and loyal, and they enjoy doting on their partner. They spare no effort or expense to make their significant other happy. However, they expect nothing less than their lover’s undivided attention in return. Leos need lots of physical touch, compliments, and quality time in relationships. Long distance simply won’t do because it doesn’t fit their romantic style.

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Virgo: Yes

Virgos adore their privacy and personal space, so a long-distance relationship may be preferable to them. They enjoy following their routine and having their living space a certain way, so they’re perfectly content with a partner who isn’t around to mess it all up. Like Gemini, Virgo is ruled by the communication planet Mercury, so they will keep in close contact via calls and messages. They don’t need their lover with them at all times to feel loved.

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Libra: No

Although social butterfly Libra stays very busy while their partner is away, they tend to lose interest if the separation goes on for too long. They’re friendly and outgoing, so they have no problem occupying themselves with their friends and hobbies. However, they are also flirtatious and charming, and turn more than a few heads when they go out. Eventually, they will find someone who catches their eye enough to make them want to end things with a partner they rarely get to see in person.

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Scorpio: No

Scorpios want nothing short of a passionate, intense, all-consuming love. They will tolerate being separated for a short amount of time, like traveling for work, but they will never enter a long-distance relationship. Scorpios are very sexual and sensual, so they need a partner they can touch. They are also a bit untrusting, so too much time apart arouses their suspicions and breeds toxicity within the relationship.

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Sagittarius: Yes

Sagittarius is the zodiac sign that enjoys travel the most, so they embrace the challenge of a long-distance relationship. They also need plenty of space, so they don’t mind when their lover is far away. They enjoy flying or driving to see their significant other, and being able to focus on their work, social life, and hobbies while their partner is gone. A Sagittarius will take advantage of the situation by planning fun escapes where they can both meet up in a foreign city instead of just going back and forth to each other’s homes – they know how to make a long-distance relationship an exciting adventure.

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Capricorn: Yes

Capricorns are steadfast, reliable, and trustworthy in love, even when their partner is away. They enjoy their privacy, so a little distance can be a good thing for this zodiac. Capricorns are skilled at compartmentalizing their feelings, so if they experience loneliness or frustration, they simply push it to the side until they can be with their loved ones again. It’s difficult for them to build a strong emotional connection with someone, so they cherish their relationships and won’t let a little distance break their bond.

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Aquarius: Yes

Aquarians struggle with anything conventional, so the eccentricity of a long-distance relationship appeals to them. They relish their freedom and need lots of space within relationships anyway, so a far-away partner is ideal. Aquarians are excellent with technology and delight in using various gadgets to stay connected to their lover.

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Pisces: No

As a highly romantic zodiac sign, Pisces will settle for nothing less than a fairytale love. They prefer to be inseparable from their partner, so long-distance simply won’t work for them. Pisces people become melancholy and depressed when their lover is away, and they are better off with someone who can be near them at all times.

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