What Your Biggest First Date Insecurity Is, According to Your Zodiac Sign

Amidst the pure excitement and nervousness of a first date, some insecurities come into play before/during/after the date as well. While we all have personal insecurities, the insecurities that come with dating are no exception. Read on to find out your biggest first date insecurity, according to your Zodiac:


(March 21-April 19)

Your biggest first date insecurity is that your data will be overwhelmed by your passionate and strong personality. While you will always be unapologetically yourself, you sometimes worry that you may be too over the top or overbearing on the first date.


(April 20-May 20)

Your biggest first-date insecurity is that you will struggle to carry on a conversation with your date. As a Taurus, you can be a bit shy and tend to take a while to open up. Because you struggle with this surface-level conversation type, first dates are usually less than ideal.


(May 21-June 20)

Your biggest first-date insecurity is that you will come off as fake or non-committal. Even if you aren’t looking to seriously date someone at the moment, you often worry that you seem too spacey and uninterested on the first date.


(June 21-July 22)

Your biggest first-date insecurity is internalizing whether your date likes you or not. As a Cancer, you are an incredibly kind and loving sign. However, on a first date, you usually don’t get that much emotional fulfillment. That is why you tend to spiral into your thoughts throughout/after the date.


(July 23-August 24)

Your biggest first-date insecurity is that you will talk about yourself too much on the date. As a Leo, you enjoy talking about your ideas and events in your life. You are a confident leader and you don’t mind the spotlight. On a date, however, you start to feel insecure when you realize you are talking too much or boasting about yourself too often.


(August 23-September 22)

Your biggest first-date insecurity is that you will micromanage the entire date. As a Virgo, you crave order and harmony. While you can be a very particular person, you especially worry that you will be too controlling on a first date.


(September 23-October 22)

Your biggest first date insecurity is acting too spontaneous and flirty. You are charming and attractive… and honestly, both you and your date know it. However, you have a certain love of life that is completely unmatched. On a first date, you often worry that your personality might be too over the top and intimidating.


(October 23-November 21)

Your biggest first date insecurity is that you tend to deeply internalize and overthink everything about the date. On the first date, you have trouble opening up and being yourself. These stresses and anxieties often prevent you from really enjoying the first-date experience.


(November 22-December 21)

Your biggest first-date insecurity is that your date won’t understand your humor or your vibe. Sometimes your jokes can be a bit overwhelming and all over the place. On a first date, you start to internalize the jokes you make and the responses you are getting.


(December 22-January 19)

Your biggest first-date insecurity is obsessing over how you look and how your date perceives you. While you are strong and confident on your own, you do often fall victim to the vanity of outward appearances and success.


(January 20-February 18)

Your biggest first date insecurity is that your date will not share your love of knowledge. In short, you worry that either your date won’t be able to challenge you intellectually or you will come off as a pompous know-it-all.


(February 19-March 20)

Your biggest first-date insecurity is that you will want to dive into vulnerabilities and emotions too quickly. As a Pisces, you have a deep-rooted connection to your own emotions and feelings. However, not everyone is as innately vulnerable as you. Many may feel overwhelmed or uncomfortable by your ability to easily let your guard down.





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