Even if it means taking sides and setting limits with people you care about, you’re ready to work for love. When making choices, you know how important it is to put your partner first and not let someone else’s wants get in the way.
No matter where or when you’re ready to work at love. You do odd jobs and extra work on the side to make the connection stronger and add as much value as you can. You always come up with new ways to do things.
Gemini, when it comes to love, no one works as fast or well as you do. You are always moving, keeping things moving along at a steady pace and getting things done. You never stop to rest or put your feet up. No one works as hard as you do.
Cancer, you’re ready to work so hard that you go to places you normally stay away from at all costs. That means you tell your partner everything about yourself, even if it’s bad or weak. You give the friendship everything you have.
No matter what, you’re ready to give up your nights and weekends to be on call for your partner 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You think of love as a duty that never ends, and once you give it your all, you can’t log off or unplug.
Virgo, you are ready to give up everything for love. You always go to great lengths to get better at what you do, just like the most dedicated athletes or entertainers. You think that your partner gets the best from you.
People start to wonder if you ever sleep because you are willing to work so hard for love. Wouldn’t they like to know? You listen to your heart and know what to do to keep the spark alive and the deeper relationship strong.
Scorpio, you are a master at making love work. This is bad. You should be ashamed of the FBI, the CIA, Cirque du Soleil, and even the Olympic champions. They won’t see you coming because you are so sneaky, quick, flexible, and good at what you do.
If it means going with the love of your life, Sagittarius, you’re ready to give up everything you own and live in the roughest terrain. You’d give up everything in an instant for that kind of relationship.
Capricorn, you will do anything to make sure you get the job. Plans will be made to backstab, hurt, network, and schmooze until you can’t schmooze any longer. When love is at stake, it’s all worth it.
Aquarius, you’re ready to give up everything for love. It means to turn your plans or your house upside down to make room for the person you’re meant to be with. When the connection is the only thing that can’t be changed, everything else can be changed.
Pisces, when you love, you never really rest. You don’t see black when you close your eyes. Instead, you think about what you need to do to keep the relationship going. You always remember what your partner forgot and what they need but don’t know they need.