A Tarot Reader Reveals The Challenge Each Zodiac Will Face In The Coming Weeks

The coming pre-holiday weeks can be some of the most stressful we experience throughout the year! Our tarot reader has pulled two cards for each zodiac sign – one to reveal the challenges you’ll be facing and another with some advice. Find your card below!



The Fool (Reversed)

There’s a long journey ahead of you. The question is how much risk you’re willing, or should, take. Not risking enough will assure feelings of stagnation while risking too much might have serious consequences. Instead of allowing yourself to learn ‘on the road’, try to gather as much information as possible and figure out the most advantageous path.


9 of Wands

You will need to depend on your resilience over the coming weeks, so do what it takes to keep your inner reserves filled as much as possible. It’s going to feel like you’re facing an onslaught, and you might be surprised about who feels against you. Let your wisdom – and not your old habit patterns – guide your actions.



Queen of Cups (Reversed)

On the one hand, you’ve been feeling particularly open and empathetic to the people around you, but on the other hand, you’ve been finding it to be far more exhausting than you had hoped it would be. It’s one thing to open your heart and be sympathetic and kind towards the mistakes of others, it’s another to allow yourself to be emotionally manipulated.


9 of Cups

As advice, the wish fulfillment card reminds us that a powerful way to fulfill our wishes is to learn how to be open to contentment.  It’s a reminder that learning when and how to be content can prevent over-indulgence and assist us in practicing gratitude.



Knight of Cups (Reversed)

While you’ve been seeking depth, all you’ve been met with is superficiality. It’s hard to feel like you’re at different depths than those around you. While you should follow your heart, don’t get so lost in the feelings that you miss signs or that you start to become inconsistent and fickle.


Knight of Swords (reversed)

Don’t be too judgemental, especially against yourself, as it will first turn you indifferent and then bloom into bitterness. There’s a way for you to let your intelligence, wisdom, and values guide you while also not allowing the challenges you face to harden your heart.



9 of Pentacles (reversed)

While relatively safe and secure at the moment there’s the potential to feel stifled and a bit trapped. You’ve been disciplined and accomplished in material matters, but your work-life balance may be off-kilter. What once felt like being alone could grow into loneliness if you continue.


The Emperor (Reversed)

Structure and discipline will be important to you in navigating the coming weeks, but you may find that you are being failed by traditional leaders. Remember that you are your authority. Be careful that when establishing boundaries you don’t shut out conversations.



9 of Wands

When you’re feeling like you’re pushed to the limits of your capabilities just by holding on to your position, it can be draining emotionally, physically, mentally – and spiritually. Find ways to refresh yourself so that your strong will can fuel the vigilance needed. Old habits and narratives may hold you back from your full potential.


Four of Cups

There are moments in life when all of us feel a bit world-weary, and as you tackle the challenges in the 9 of Wands it makes sense that you might feel a bit jaded. Emotional opportunities are available all around you – but apathy and dissatisfaction are easy ways to blind yourself to the possibilities.



The Chariot, Reversed

Instead of being able to maintain a steady course toward your goal, you’ll find yourself struggling to maintain clear forward momentum. Sometimes self-discovery comes with a high price. The mindset necessary to question the thought patterns and narratives that hold us together can quickly tip toward self-doubt and self-criticism.


The Queen of Wands, Reversed

It’s hard not to have flare-ups of impassioned frustration when plans for personal growth get thwarted by others, especially those who are supposed to be our friends or family. Stay focused on the areas in which you want to improve so you can achieve the growth you’re seeking.



Five of Pentacles

It’s a time of hardship and lack right now, and it’s bringing up a lot of anxiety and feelings of isolation. When in times of hardship and pain and seeking just to get through it all, it can be easy to miss other things that are going on. Help is closer than you think.


The Emperor, Reversed

Traditional leaders have failed you in many ways, forcing you to create your path. But taking control of the situation doesn’t have to mean letting your inner authoritarian have free reign of your thoughts. Shut down the inner critic while you navigate this difficult time.



10 of Wands

It’s easy to take on far too much, and you’ve got an oppressive amount of things you’re carrying right now,Scorpio. Create time to take stock and make sure that everything you’re dedicating time and energy to is as important as you thought it was when you said yes.


Wheel of Fortune

Life comes at you fast, and you don’t always know which direction it’s coming from. The transformative cycle that helps us to expand our experiences and understanding can be unpredictable in how and when it manifests. Trust that the opportunities you need will be possible, as long as you’re willing to overcome some obstacles to get to them.



4 of Cups (reversed)

It’s easy to lose the spark and motivation and become dissatisfied and disconnected. Focusing on the negative isn’t the way forward. It’s important to practice gratitude and choose to see the opportunities around you instead of a world full of unrealized rejection.


Knight of Pentacles (reversed)

It might feel like tedious work, but it’s time to roll up your sleeves. Sometimes dependability can feel like monotony, and often the most important work can require us to be extremely slow-moving and cautious. Patience is vital. Avoid shortcuts for now, until the work is more established.



King of Wands

It’s a time when you’re actively seeking new projects, and are looking for a way to create a path that leads you to be more self-reliant. While entrepreneurship allows you to be authentic in addition to more autonomous, temper your ambition with caution and be patient in building out your plans.


The High Priestess, Reversed

Wisdom and compassion guide us to the larger answers that shape our lives. Our receptiveness to our intuition is an important aspect of our human experience. Reconnect with that still, small voice of intuition inside.



Death (reversed)

Change is not just to vex you and upend your rituals – it’s a key part of growth. Don’t hide from the changes that are possible. Instead of fixating on the things that transformation requires you to release, focus your mind and enthusiasm on what it is allowing you to embrace.


4 of Cups

When everything is a huge challenge and enormous changes are afoot a readily available emotion is dissatisfaction. Process the feelings of rejection you may be carrying and then try to evaluate if your discontent is due to your withdrawinwithdrawalhallenges

2 of Pentacles

You’ve got a lot on your plate right now, and it’s requiring you to multitask and balance more than you initially bargained for. Your flexibility and adaptability make you industrious and effective in times of change. Be sure to create space in your juggling act for what you treasure.


3 of Pentacles

Collaboration can create some of the most impressive works of master craftsmanship imaginable. When seeking to build your skills to the top most caliber, remember that the discipline and knowledge required to support team efforts are hard to teach and are often learned in the thick of it





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