Zodiac Signs

A Tarot Reader Predicts What Each Zodiac Should Expect Before November 27

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Your card: 2 of Swords

You have a decision to make and have been doing a very good job of avoiding it entirely. You could continue that trend this week, but it won’t make the decision go away. Perhaps now’s the time to weigh your options and make the choice.

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Your card: Wheel of Fortune

You’ll be seeing the positive consequences of your good karma this week. When you spot little moments to do something good, jump at the chance. You never know what good things could come your way when you do.

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Your card: Death

Something’s going to end this week, but it doesn’t have to be a bad thing. The Death Card is about the transition of something ending and a new phase beginning, which, if you’ve been feeling stagnant lately, could be entirely welcome.

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Your card: The Sun

It’s Thanksgiving week, and it can be a stressful prospect for a lot of people. Be the warm, positive presence this holiday week so friends and family can use you as a refuge when the rest of the event is full of stress and drama.

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Your card: 5 of Wands

Get ready for a contentious week. Arguments and fights just seem to find you. Maybe it’s the stress of competing personalities over Thanksgiving. Either way, try to be the voice of reason rather than egging everyone on.

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Your card: 6 of Wands

When people praise your accomplishments this week, bask in it. Don’t just dismiss the compliments or downplay your achievements. You’re amazing and you deserve the recognition.

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Your card: Page of Wands

When you get the creative bug this week, follow it. Explore your creative side and make wonderful things. This is the time for arts and crafts, especially if you’re getting some extra time off this week.


Your card: 10 of Wands

You’re taking too much on this week. Unfortunately, a family-focused holiday like Thanksgiving often kicks off days of preparation with very few people thanking you for all your hard work. Don’t forget to rest.


Your card: 8 of Wands

Be flexible this week when it comes to change. Sometimes you just won’t know what’s coming and you have to adapt when it does. But if you go in with a good attitude, everything should work out just fine.


Your card: 4 of Pentacles

This week is Black Friday and you might be tempted to go all-out in buying things for friends, family, and yourself. Be much more cautious with your money instead because you’re in danger of going overboard. Spend wisely or you could be in trouble.


Your card: Ace of Wands

When you get creative inspiration this week, follow it. You never know when the muse will strike, so you don’t want the opportunity to slip away from you.


Your card: 4 of Wands

Enjoy your time with family and friends this week. While other signs might struggle with all the socializing for the holiday, this is when you thrive.

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