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Your card: King of Swords
Get ready for some serious clarity this week. While you can sometimes live happily with your head in the clouds, it’ll be impossible to ignore the actual truth of the matter. This could have a positive or negative conclusion–it’s all in how you look at it.
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Your card: 4 of Swords
Take it easy this week. If you keep running at full speed, you’ll eventually burn out. And, while it’s easy to ignore your feelings while you’re distracted, that’s not always the right move. So slow down, chill out, and connect with your emotions.
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Your card: 2 of Pentacles
You may have a tough time getting everything done this week. It’s either because you’ve taken on way too many tasks, you’re battling some serious procrastination, or, more likely, a fun mix of both. You may have to pare down your goals to accommodate this off-feeling week
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Your card: The Devil
You may just be tempted to do something you normally wouldn’t do this week. Just because something is tempting, that doesn’t make it automatically bad, though. Weigh your options and the adverse effects. Maybe a little bit of decadent food or an amazing night with a new lover wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.
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Your card: 7 of Pentacles
There’s a point in goal-setting when most people fall off their plan. It’s that moment when you realize that now you just have to hunker down and work, work, work. Don’t let that daunting thought keep you from trucking along. This week, just persevere and work hard.
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Your card: Justice
As much as it might be difficult given the situation, go with the fairest options this week. You know deep down what is right and should strive for that goal. And if you notice someone isn’t being fair, don’t be afraid to fight for justice.
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Your card: The Hanged One
It’s time for a new perspective on a problem. This week, try to set aside your biases to get a clear view or something. It may mean letting go of some of the preconceived notions that you’ve been holding on to, but you’ll be better off when you do.
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Your card: Knight of Pentacles
You might want to just relax and slack off this week, but that’s the wrong move. Work hard this week and good things will come your way. By all means, take breaks, but don’t let your desire to do anything at all get in the way of achieving your dreams.
“Click Here to Find Scorpio Man Secrets You Need To Know”
Your card: 8 of Swords
You aren’t as powerless as you feel this week. While you’re normally good at making things happen, you’re not feeling particularly good at that right now. Remember that you have a lot of control over your life, even if it doesn’t seem apparent.
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Your card: Ace of Swords
Get ready for a big breakthrough this week. It could be something great going on at work or in your personal life. More likely, you’ll have your internal breakthrough, finally getting to the truth of the matter. Get ready to feel emotional when you do.
“Click Here to Find Capricorn Man Secrets You Need To Know”
Your card: Queen of Wands
Go for your passions this week. Life can get a little boring when you just keep going through your everyday routine, so spruce up your off time with the stuff you care about. Work on hobbies and projects that you’ve put to the side. These things are important even if they don’t make you money.
“Click Here to Find Aquarius Man Secrets You Need To Know”
Your card: The High Priestess
Listen to your intuition this week. It’s been trying to tell you something and it’s time to listen. Sometimes we push away our gut instincts because we’ve been conditioned to second-guess ourselves. Let that limiting behavior fall away so you can figure out how you feel.