Do you know what the Major Arcana cards mean in tarot reading?
Twelve of the 78 cards in a tarot deck are called the Major Arcana. They represent spiritual growth and lessons learned in life. People consider them the most important and strong cards in any reading. The stories of the Major Arcana cards show how the soul moves from innocence to happiness. The Minor Arcana cards show everyday things that happen, while the Major Arcana cards show big changes and lessons in life. Each card has a different lesson to teach, and 12 of the 22 Major Arcana cards are linked to a certain zodiac sign. What is the Major Arcana card for your zodiac sign, and what does it tell you about yourself? Let’s unlock the mysteries of tarot and astrology to find out who you are.
Aries: The King or Queen
As an Aries, the Emperor is the Major Arcana card that connects to your sign. It stands for power, leadership, and control. This shows that you have a strong attitude and give off masculine energy. You dislike being told what to do, but you’re great at telling other people what to do. You are very independent and find it hard to follow directions. You would do best in a job where you can work alone or supervise others.
Taurus: The High Priest
Taurus, your Major Arcana card is the Hierophant, which stands for custom and marriage. As a person born under the sign of Venus, the planet of love, this makes a lot of sense to you. Family and friends are important to you, and you put them ahead of everything else. You also follow the rules and enjoy doing things the same way everyone else does, like spending holidays with family and friends and making memories. There’s not much you can change about the way you do things, but you’re very stable and true.
Gemini: The Love Signs
Being a Gemini, the Lovers card is related to you and means making choices and deep connections. The two figures on this card don’t always mean romance; they can also mean that you are dualistic. It shows how complex you are like you have two souls inside one body. You want to and are good at building strong relationships. You’re great at bringing people together and making ties that last. Even though you have trouble making choices, your loved ones always help you do the right thing.
Cancer: The Wheel
Cancer, your card is the Chariot, which means getting past problems by being strong-willed and determined. You might look nice and soft, but you’re very tough. You have a tough shell that covers your soft side, like the crab that represents your zodiac sign. There are many things about you that you don’t want other people to know. Only people who know you very well can see all of your sides. People are surprised at how strong you are. You always get back up, even though you’re sensitive and may fall a lot.
Leo: Power
Leo, your Major Arcana card is Strength. As you might guess, it means strength, bravery, and facing problems with calm purpose. The lion, which is your solar sign, is even on this card. You are meant to lead people, like the lion. You are a gentle giant at your best, leading with kindness and strength. You can also get through anything because you are positive and strong. What people see in you is strong and scary, and you are just as strong on the inside. You fight for what you believe in and for the little guy.
Virgo: The Lone Ranger
Virgo, your card is The Hermit. This doesn’t mean that you stay away from other people. Looking inside and thinking about things can help you see that you think and make decisions best when you’re by yourself. Though you have a lot of knowledge, you don’t always trust your gut. Pay attention to your strong sense; it already knows what you need to know.
Libra: Truth
Libra, since you are in the sign of the scales, it makes sense that your tarot card is Justice. It stands for justice and balance. In every part of your life, you try to find balance. You work hard and play hard, and you stay away from extremes. You can see both sides of an issue and find a way to make peace. You might find it hard to stand up for yourself, but you’re great at doing it for others and your family.
Death in Scorpio
Mars, your Major Arcana card is Death. It’s not as scary as it sounds, but then again, you’re not easily scared. It stands for evolution, change, and rebirth. This makes sense for you since Pluto is your leading celestial body. Pluto is the planet of change and rebirth. You don’t like change because you’re a stable zodiac sign, but you will go through a lot of big changes in your life. When you want to start over, you often have to burn everything down and start over. You come back from hard times stronger than ever, like a phoenix rising from the ashes. You are adaptable, strong, and deeply powerful, so no one can hold you down.
Temperance for Sagittarius
Sag, your tarot card is Temperance, and it will teach you a lot about life. As a fiery fire sign, you find it hard to be calm and peaceful, which is what the Temperance card is all about. Your anger gets bad very quickly, and you tend to go to extremes. To be more temperate, you need to be more patient, balanced, and reasonable. You have undeniable star power, passion, and strength. Once you find the right mix of these traits, you will be unstoppable.
Capricorn: The Bad Guy
Capricorn, your Major Arcana tarot card is the Devil, which means that material joys will tempt you. It can also mean “living in fear,” which means you are your own worst enemy. You work very hard, that much is clear. But are you doing it for the right reasons? Does your job make you happy and give you a sense of meaning, or is it just something you do to avoid thinking about things that bother you and get the things you want? Instead of always being worried and worried about not having enough, try having an abundance attitude. What job would you want if you didn’t have to worry about the pay? If fear didn’t stop you, what would you do? These are the things that The Devil card wants you to think about.
The Sign of Aquarius
Aquarius, your tarot card is the Star, which shows what a bright light you are in the world. The Star is a sign of hope and energy for the future. You were born under the sign of the humanitarian, so your mission is to help other people. Your biggest goal is to make the world a better place, and you feel your best when you’re working toward that. You should look for a job in service where you can see how your work makes people’s lives better. Don’t be afraid to be yourself; let your light shine!
Pisces: The Moon
For Pisces, the Moon is your Major Arcana card, and it means secrets and lies. This makes sense since Neptune rules your zodiac sign. Neptune is the planet of dreams, imagination, and creation. People often get you wrong, even though you have a deep spiritual and empathetic knowledge of them. Also, you’re very convincing and can get people to agree with you about anything. You try not to use this power for bad things, though. You are easily moved and believe the lies that other people tell you. You need to keep your feet on the ground so that other people can’t trick you or you don’t even fool yourself.