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Now is the critical moment for Libra, Gemini, and Aries to undertake the challenging task of setting clear boundaries. To assist you, our tarot reader has conducted personalized tarot readings.
The 6 of Pentacles is working for you. We may all learn from the experience of charity, even though it can provide a two-way flow of abundance. Your thankfulness has brought about a generosity of spirit that benefits you. Your ability to strike a balance between giving and receiving will help you recognize when things start to go wrong and when you need to set more strong boundaries. The 10 swords on the guidance card make me think that you should be mindful of that balance and ready to draw clear lines between your previous and future existence.
Working against you: The Fortune Wheel. You’re not good at giving in to the will of the universe, Aries, and that makes you question the sense of security that comes from having control. Try to reframe the circumstance and acknowledge that it is liberating rather than limiting because it isn’t up to you or dependent on you. Additionally, it will enable you to identify the aspects of your circumstances that you cannot alter, allowing you to concentrate your efforts on those that you can.
Your subconscious: Reversed 5 of Pentacles. The fact that you experienced a shortage of material resources that you required—possibly following a period of job loss, or for other reasons—has caused you to deal with a great deal of fear and anxiety. You’ve developed an unconscious desire to make sure you never go through that again.
Your Objectives and Ideas: The Chariot inverted. You can’t seem to get the potential effects and outcomes of your activities out of your head. It could show up when you wake up in the middle of the night, feeling ashamed of something you said years ago, or when brainstorming begins to give way to catastrophizing.
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7 of Cups is on the horizon. Dreaming big and wild is the key to making big things happen, and you’ll soon be doing just that. Dreaming of a brighter tomorrow can be empowering!
Suggestion: 10 of Swords. Although the 10 of Swords can be a challenging card to read, it merely indicates that something is about to end. The signs are very clear. Allowing yourself to grieve, learn how to heal, and move on is the finest thing you can do.
The reading contains a lot of Knight energy, Gemini; in fact, all but one of them appeared in your reading at this same moment. Knights are all about taking initiative, moving quickly, and grasping opportunities. I’ll explain how each of the Knights functions in the reading that follows, but it could be worthwhile to give the absent Knight—the Knight of Swords—some more thought. This could mean that you’re missing a strong belief that permeates every idea you have. Take note of how these Knights are currently “piled up.” Given that pentacles are an earth sign, wands are a fire sign, and cups are a water sign, it is not surprising that there could be more than one meaning associated with this symbol.
This Knight of Pentacles is working for you. You’ve been putting in a lot of effort, and you’re working smarter than just putting in long hours. You’ve been concentrating on sowing the seeds for a more promising and secure future. Be cautious to set up appropriate boundaries between work and life.
In opposition to you: Knight of Wands. You’re not using what you want to do creatively, what makes you passionate and ignites your soul, to build your future, and it’s distracting you from “the game.” To keep the kind of balance you require, you will need to set some clear limits.
Your subconscious: Reversed Knight of Cups. I would not be shocked if many of the feelings you’re processing felt like they were concentrated in your stomach. The unpleasant feelings you’re carrying around may be making it harder for you to set the necessary healthy limits.
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Your Objectives and Ideas: 9 of Pentacles. You’re striving to bring your greatest desires to life and striking a balance between your spiritual and material selves. You’re maintaining focus on the goal, which is happiness and contentment. To get there, keep in mind that balance and rigorous adherence to boundaries are required.
Three of Swords is on the horizon. This card serves as a stark reminder that you will soon have to deal with a great deal of loss and heartache. Depending on the circumstances, you may be able to mitigate the impact if you can set some clear boundaries. In any case, treat yourself with kindness while you cope with the loss.
Suggestion: Ace of Cups. Opening your heart and permitting yourself to feel it completely is one of the nicest things you can do for yourself. Accept love.
Working for You: Reversed 6 of Swords. You’ve experienced a lot. Setting the limits you need to thrive will be made easier by the emotional intelligence and spiritual understanding you’ve gained from all of your experiences, both positive and negative. You’ve figured out almost everything, and you’re the type of person who is naturally inclined to seek and preserve equilibrium. The situation’s deliberate “airiness” is exactly what you’re looking for. You’re capable, Libra.
The reversed 7 of Pentacles is working against you. You’re often quite patient when you’re in a balanced condition, but you’re facing challenges. Your ordinarily acute focus is unable to cope with the waiting and downtime you may be going through. It’s getting harder and harder for you to wait for the situation to settle down because of your impatience. Keep trying! It’s crucial to establish healthy boundaries and a balanced existence, and you’re worth the effort!
Your subconscious: The reversed page of cups. You might find it more difficult to “keep it together” as you process this strong emotional stack, and you might also have times when you feel quite vulnerable. Be kind.
Your Objectives and Ideas: The Lovers. The Lovers card is about more than simply a lover and the affirmation and support they provide; it’s about how our choices concerning the people we love are a reflection of our beliefs. They can also enhance our best qualities. Make a thoughtful and kind decision.
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Soon to be released: Queen of Cups. As you go through all of these feelings, your intuitive self is emerging, and the careful equilibrium and firm, reasonable boundaries have contributed to the development of an internal environment that will support your growth. You will feel profound healing and love as a result of your self-investment and the concentration of your empathy.
Judgement is the advice. A moment of self-discovery and the revelation of our intentions and purpose is what judgment is all about.