Opening Your Heart To Love Again: Zodiac + Tarot Reading


The Three of Pentacles is your card.

Because you find it difficult to collaborate with others, Aries, you’ve shut yourself off to love. You stopped considering altering your life to create something with someone because you were too focused on your objectives. You like being in charge and making your world, but love isn’t a hassle; rather, it’s a chance to work with someone who shares your vision to build something lovely and enduring. You must learn to manage relationships as a team effort and to make sacrifices before you can be vulnerable to love. Building a friendship before pursuing a romantic relationship is a simple approach to getting started.


The King of Pentacles is your card.

By refusing to settle, Taurus, you can reopen yourself to love. You have prioritized history over compatibility and comfort above appropriateness for far too long. Out of loyalty, you choose the wrong individuals and don’t give up on them. You keep searching for love in people who are the complete opposite of your ideal partner, so it hasn’t been what you’ve always imagined. For the individual who is trustworthy, loving, loyal, grounded, and dependable, you must wait and be vulnerable. If someone doesn’t make you feel safe and at home, you should keep your heart closed.


Your card: a reversed five-cups

You won’t be able to fully open yourself to love again until you’ve healed all of your emotional scars and moved past the damaging effects of previous relationships. Gemini, you must let go of everything. You must let go of the sorrow and anguish that heartbreak has caused you. You must be able to live in the present if you want to be your most genuine self and be open and vulnerable with someone. Furthermore, clinging to any remnant of the past prevents you from living in the present.


Your card is a reversed nine of cups.

Reversing the Nine of Cups indicates that you continue to pursue flimsy relationships while undermining genuine ones. You spend your time with people you could never fall in love with because you’re scared of what it may mean to connect with someone on a deep level. You fill the vacuum with partnerships that are superficial and just provide physical pleasure or distraction. You won’t be ready to let your guard down and be vulnerable with someone until you realize how worthy you are of the love you desire. Until you allow yourself to welcome something truly meaningful, that gaping hole you feel will always exist.


Your Card: Reversed King of Swords

Leo, you have emotional scars from an unhappy relationship in the past. This individual was mean-spirited, manipulative, domineering, and possibly even abusive. They were incredibly self-centered and delighted in controlling your emotions. Inexplicably and without cause, they would change from being warm and affectionate to frigid and aloof as a spouse. You became cautious about letting someone else control you as a result of that incident. You’re scared to let someone in again because they’ll treat you badly and try to manipulate you. That won’t happen, Leo. You now have a far better understanding of the qualities you do and do not desire in a spouse. To rediscover the beauty of vulnerability, you must be prepared to confront your fear. You can reopen to love if you have a cautious and open heart.


Your Card: Inverted Hermit

By lowering your defenses with someone who doesn’t make you feel alone, Virgo, you can reopen yourself to love. Because you previously allowed someone in who never made you feel noticed, welcomed, or genuinely loved, you fear being abandoned. You felt more alone when you were in a room with them than when you were by yourself. There is love that gives you the impression that someone genuinely understands and knows you. Get over your concerns and get back out there. You will meet someone with whom you can be who you truly are and with whom you will feel more connected than ever.


You’ve got the Emperor card.

You must learn to communicate your feelings, the Emperor is telling you. You cannot withhold everything you feel from the person you care about the most to be open to love. Simply present yourself as your most genuine self and stop attempting to handle situations delicately and flawlessly. This entails not suppressing your feelings, wants, or thoughts. It implies being clumsy and flawed. Just go for it, Libra, without giving any of it any reason or structure.


The Queen of Cups is your card.

Self-love and self-compassion are the first steps in opening up to love, Scorpio. You must learn how to treat yourself with warmth, compassion, and affection. You have to treat yourself with kindness before you can accept kindness from others. You must learn to be faithful and committed to yourself before you can find love. Once you have developed into your own greatest emotional support system, your connections will grow stronger. Once you’ve allowed yourself to be loved, you’ll be receptive to love.


The Star is your card.

Sag, you need to work on regaining your self-esteem and confidence because you’ve been struggling to let love into your life. This indicates that you need to let go of whatever emotional baggage you may be carrying around. You must assess your areas of need for healing if you wish to be vulnerable once more. The one you’ve been waiting for is almost ready to make its big appearance. So, will you be prepared?


The Four of Pentacles is your card.

You must thoroughly analyze and resolve your jealousies and anxieties before you can be open to love once more. It will never work if your future companion is someone you regard or see as a possession. To let someone in in a way that is sincere, healthy, and supportive of your happiness, you must address some deeply ingrained problems. You should try to avoid holding on to your partners too much. They shouldn’t be your sole source of happiness; they should enhance it.

The aquatic

Your Card: Reversed Five of Swords

Aquarius, you must have perfected the art of compromise before you can open up. When it comes to relationships, learn to select your battles. Listen to your partner and make an effort to comprehend and value their viewpoint rather than constantly attempting to be correct. The willingness to be able to meet in the center has a certain beauty. Even if their thoughts and feelings don’t make sense to you, don’t be too quick to discard them. Making someone feel comfortable being vulnerable with you is a prerequisite for being vulnerable with them.


The Eight of Wands is your card.

Pisces, you make the error of abandoning your better judgment after becoming engrossed in lust, passion, and excitement. Because of this, you frequently wind up with the incorrect spouse and are forced to wear rose-colored sunglasses. Before opening up and removing your layers, slow down. Verify the safety of the waters and give careful thought to who you are allowing entry. Another scenario where you end up romanticizing and overidealizing someone who doesn’t deserve you is something you don’t want to happen.





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